How To Cook Hedgehog Biscuit Cake With Fruits And Nuts - Recipe

Marko Balašević Author: Marko Balašević Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
How To Cook Hedgehog Biscuit Cake With Fruits And Nuts - Recipe

Learn how to cook "Hedgehog Biscuit Cake with Fruits and Nuts". Delicious recipe.

Required products :

500 grams of suitable biscuits

200 grams of high-fat sour cream

condensed milk (about 200 milliliters or as needed to obtain the required consistency)

2 large ripe bananas

a handful of dried apricots

raisins without seeds


almonds or walnuts to taste + almonds for thorns

2 canned pineapple rings

2 kiwis

you can use other fruits according to your preferences and according to the season


Method of preparation :

Crush the biscuits, mix them with the cream and condensed milk, add the ground dried fruits and almonds (or walnuts), finely chopped bananas and 1 kiwi (leave the latter for decoration).

Mix everything well and form hedgehogs from the mixture.

Eyes and nostrils can be made from jam or pieces of fruit, the needles are made of almonds. Of course, in order for everything to be perfect, you will have to fill your prickly friend with fruit :)

From the same "dough" you can make mushrooms with chocolate hats, for example, with which to decorate a delicious cake. And you can use pineapple slices for stumps, and in the role of hats - chocolates. Decoration options for countless, just experiment.

Enjoy your meal!

More on the topic:
  • Biscuit cake with white chocolate, cream cheese and blackberries
  • Salty biscuit cake with fish, mushrooms and yellow cheese
  • Biscuit cake with mascarpone and condensed milk
  • Biscuit cake with egg cream, fruit syrup and walnuts

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