Potatoes Are Useful, It Depends On How They Are Prepared

Joe Fowler
Author: Joe Fowler Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Potatoes Are Useful, It Depends On How They Are Prepared

Although we have recently denied potatoes because of their high carbohydrate content, this root has a number of beneficial properties. Little is known, for example, that potato juice has been used in the past to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers ...

Although we have recently denied potatoes because of their high carbohydrate content, this root has a number of beneficial properties. Little is known, for example, that potato juice has been used in the past to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. And in fact it helps with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which is explained by the property of starch in it to form a mucous membrane and its anti-inflammatory effect.


Another interesting effect of potatoes is the diuretic, which is due to the potassium content. It is potassium that makes this food an integral part of the menu for heart and kidney disease.

Potato juice soothes heartburn, nausea, vomiting and chronic headaches. To have an effect, however, you should drink half a glass of juice 3 times a day - in the morning on an empty stomach, half an hour before noon and an hour before bedtime in the evening for 2 weeks. After a break of 6 days, the course is repeated, but with twice less. Boiled potato broth or clear soup also helps.


The liquid that is formed during the cooking of potatoes is not contraindicated even in severe poisoning. It also has antibacterial action.


The decoction is useful for high blood pressure, but in this case the potatoes should be boiled for only 15 minutes. Take half an hour before meals, drained and cooled, half a cup. For hypertensives it is recommended to eat regularly and baked with peeled potatoes.


Raw potato juice cleanses the body of toxins, and the cocktail of potato juice, carrots and celery removes fatty toxins in the digestive system.

Potatoes are also used in cosmetic skin procedures. Raw mashed potatoes help with inflammation. In case 20 minutes cannot be set aside for the procedure, it is enough to rub the problem area with a slice of raw potato daily. It also has a beneficial effect on skin spots due to allergies, burn marks.


The mashed boiled potato mask removes traces of facial fatigue, nourishes and makes the skin smooth. The most effective is the mask of fresh potatoes, which is recommended for women over 40 years of age.


Potatoes are a proven tool in the fight against puffy eyes. You need to put grated potatoes in gauze on the eyelids for 15 minutes.


The potato decoction bath helps with cracked nails.

When preparing potatoes, regardless of the purpose, it should be borne in mind that the vitamins contained in them are water-soluble. To preserve as much as possible, it is good to boil in a small amount of water.

15 minutes of cooking are enough to separate the useful nutrients from the potatoes in the water.

Vitamin C is retained twice as much when steamed than in water, as well as when the heat treatment is with the bark.

Peeled raw potatoes should be used immediately. To preserve vitamins and trace elements, potatoes should be put in boiling water.

The beneficial substances are concentrated in the upper layer of the root, so it is recommended that the peeling of the bark be fine or avoided in fresh varieties.

The green areas of the potatoes contain the toxic substance solanine, so when cleaning them they must be removed deeply.

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