Danger Of Plant Food

Joe Fowler
Author: Joe Fowler Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: November 19, 2022
Danger Of Plant Food

In this article, learn more about Danger Of Plant Food. Let's learn more about the dangerous aspects of eating plants..

Sometimes plant food may not be as healthy as we think. Let's learn more about the dangerous aspects of eating plants .

Insidious seed

For us, seeds (grains, cereals, nuts and beans) are an excellent source of macro- and microelements, they are rich in iron, magnesium, folates, phosphorus. For example, one glass of lentils is almost 90% of fiber needs. And without fiber, there is no digestion and normal functioning of the intestines. Therefore, a healthy person needs to include seeds in his diet. But it is also rich in antinutrients that prevent the absorption of nutrients.


For example, phytic acid is precisely found in the seeds of plants , and especially in the bran and outer shell. It prevents the full assimilation of nutrients from food , and also, like a magnet, attracts and removes from the body such vital minerals as calcium, iron, magnesium. It also slows down the work of its own enzymes, reducing the assimilation of proteins. Health risk - deficiency of vitamins and minerals.


Harmful lectins

Lectins, which are contained in nightshades, legumes, seeds, nuts and grains, cling to the intestinal walls and reduce their permeability. This causes deterioration of digestion and bloating, inflammatory processes and autoimmune diseases. In nightshades, such as peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants, it is better to remove the seeds, since they contain the most lectins.


Soak and eat

The most effective ways to reduce the amount of antinutrients are soaking, fermentation, germination and heat treatment.

For example, it is recommended to soak oats, wheat, brown rice for 10-12 hours, rye, white rice - 9, pearl barley - 7, buckwheat, millet, quinoa, amaranth - 5-6 hours, sunflower, flax and sesame seeds - 8-10 , poppy - 7, nuts - 10 hours, soy - 12-14.

In traditional communities, the preparation of cereals and seeds was approached very carefully. First, everything was soaked, washed and even peeled. And only then did they cook.


Protein threat

Cereal proteins are another threat to the body . The infamous gluten (wheat, rye, barley), which is talked about at every turn, is among them. Many experts associate gluten intolerance with diseases such as asthma, hypothyroidism, psoriasis, autism, infertility, autoimmune disease, osteoporosis, and even chronic runny nose. You should limit gluten for a while and the symptoms may disappear.

Quinoa contains saponins, rice and oats contain prolamins, corn contains zein. To reduce the protein load of cereals, it is necessary to thoroughly wash cereals to clear water, soak them, germinate them or refrain from them altogether.

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