Healthy Breakfasts For A Long And Healthy Life

Joe Fowler
Author: Joe Fowler Time for reading: ~7 minutes Last Updated: November 28, 2022
Healthy Breakfasts For A Long And Healthy Life

We already know that breakfast is an important part of the daily menu. Some dishes can help you feel full longer and give you energy for the whole day, while some, on the contrary, will take away your energy and cause discomfort in your stomach. What's more, eating the right food in the morning on a regular basis can prevent certain diseases and strengthen immunity, contributing to a longer and healthier life.

We already know that breakfast is an important part of the daily menu. Some dishes can help you feel full longer and give you energy for the whole day, while some, on the contrary, will take away your energy and cause discomfort in your stomach. What's more, eating the right food in the morning on a regular basis can prevent certain diseases and strengthen immunity, contributing to a longer and healthier life.

Whole plant foods are usually the best option for breakfast (and not just for breakfast ). According to the American Heart Association, eating more vegetables, nuts and whole grains while limiting salt and trans fats can prevent premature death from heart and blood vessel disease.


When it comes to food and longevity, there are a few key points to keep in mind. Nutrition should help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, maintain stable blood sugar levels throughout the day, balance fatty acids, and provide the body with the necessary amount of protein.

Taking into account these conditions, it is possible to select products for breakfast that will contribute to the improvement of quality and prolongation of life. Here they are.



Slow-digesting, high-fiber carbohydrates should be added to most meals to control blood sugar and insulin levels. Oats are a great option.

A 2011 study by the US National Institutes of Health found that people who eat a diet rich in fiber, including whole grains, have a lower risk of death from co-morbidities.

Another study found that people who consumed 100 g of oatmeal per day had lower levels of so-called bad cholesterol compared to those who ate 100 g of wheat flour noodles daily. The group of those who ate oats boasted a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and hypercholesterolemia, which should be attributed to the higher amount of fiber in the diet.

Obviously, a hearty bowl of oatmeal is one of the healthiest ways to start your morning, the main thing is to choose the right supplements.


Chia seeds

If you are looking for something to add to yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast , take chia seeds. It contains 11 fibers per 28 g serving.

A small study found that people with diabetes who regularly consumed chia seeds improved their blood sugar and blood pressure. In addition, chia seeds are rich in antioxidants that protect cells from free radical damage. And this negative impact is often associated with the development of cancer.



This vegetable not only adds flavor, it also provides the body with a lot of important nutrients.

Onions belong to a family of vegetables that contain certain organosulfur compounds that help prevent cancer. These compounds are released when the product is cut, crushed or chewed. They have a positive effect by detoxifying carcinogens and stopping the growth of cancer cells. Onions and other relatives, such as garlic, shallots, and leeks, also have high concentrations of flavonoid antioxidants, which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.



Maybe you don't think of this product as a traditional breakfast , but it's time for a change. This cruciferous vegetable, like its relatives — brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and kale — is a source of nutrients, making it a great addition to breakfast . Another amazing property of this family of vegetables is the ability to activate the body's innate detoxification system, which prevents the growth of cancer cells.

In addition, broccoli contains the phytochemical sulforaphane, which protects blood vessel walls from inflammation, which increases the risk of heart disease.

So, next time, make yourself an omelette with cheese and broccoli for breakfast .


Leafy greens

Speaking of vegetables, we can't overlook leafy greens, which we should all be increasing our intake of, for example by adding some spinach to scrambled eggs for breakfast or kale to a smoothie.

A higher intake of greens is associated with a lower risk of heart attack, stroke, and some types of cancer.

Spinach, in particular, is rich in carotenoids, compounds that may help prevent and spread cancer. Also, a 2018 study found that elderly people who added 1 serving of spinach to their diet each day experienced less cognitive impairment than those who did not.



These fruits are a very good choice for breakfast , which will have a positive effect on health. Which is not surprising. A 2013 Spanish study found that people who added to their menu several times a week had a 30% lower risk of death from co-morbidities. Scientists believe that the increase in life expectancy can be associated with a high concentration of polyphenols in the product , which contribute to the prevention of many chronic diseases.

Blueberries, in particular, are one of the richest plant sources of antioxidants. Although any other berries will bring a lot of benefits.



The British have a lot to offer when it comes to pulses for breakfast . A study involving elderly people showed that 2 tablespoons of legumes per day reduced the risk of premature death by 8%. In particular, consumption of beans, as well as lentils, twice a week reduced the risk of colon cancer.

This makes sense because legumes provide the body with protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates, as well as many other micronutrients that are important for immunity.

There are many delicious and interesting ways to add beans and legumes to breakfast . For example, make a loose chickpea scramble or a whole grain wrap with black beans, eggs and avocado.



Walnuts or almonds can add a nice texture to oatmeal or yogurt, but that's not all the benefits are. Nuts can also have a positive effect on health and longevity. 

One study showed that people who ate 30 g of nuts daily had a 30% lower risk of death from related diseases. Scientists attribute this to the fact that this product is satiating and helps stabilize blood sugar levels, thereby reducing diabetes and cardiovascular disease.



Who doesn't love salmon sandwiches or wraps? If you love this fatty fish, there's good news: According to the American Heart Association, the omega-3 fatty acids in salmon may help lower your risk of heart disease. Additionally, a Harvard University study found that people who regularly added fish to their diet had a 27% lower risk of dying from related diseases, likely because they had the highest levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood.

Don't know how to add salmon to your breakfast ? Make whole-wheat toast with smoked salmon and avocado ado, add the fish to a bowl of quinoa, hard-boiled eggs, and greens.



You probably know that grapefruit (compared to other citrus fruits) is an excellent source of vitamin C. Consumption of the latter reduces the risk of mortality, due to heart disease in particular. Also, the product is rich in potassium, a mineral that is very important for heart health.

In one 2012 study, people who ate grapefruit daily for 6 weeks experienced a significant reduction in blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease. Also, they showed improvement in cholesterol levels.



Whether you add yogurt to your breakfast smoothie or enjoy it on its own with fruit and nuts, you'll be pleased to know that there are many studies that support the benefits of consuming this product .

One of the studies involved over 180,000 people over 20-30 years. His results showed that those who regularly ate yogurt had a much lower risk of high blood pressure compared to those who consumed the product less than once a month. This is probably due to the fact that yogurt contains many nutrients that lower blood pressure, such as calcium.

Another study conducted in Japan showed that consumption of foods rich in probiotics can have a positive effect on increasing life expectancy. However, choose yogurt that contains live and active cultures, without unnecessary additives and sugar.

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