6 Brain Tricks That Make Us Fat

Alexander Bruni
Author: Alexander Bruni Time for reading: ~4 minutes Last Updated: November 21, 2022
6 Brain Tricks That Make Us Fat

The formula "eat less, move more" may not work if you do not take into account the fine tuning of the body.

The formula "eat less, move more" may not work if you do not take into account the fine tuning of the body.

1. Low self-esteem

Excessive strictness overshadows life and affects the volume of the waist. The weight loss industry makes money by making people feel bad about themselves and overly critical of their bodies. As a result, a person who falls for this trick ends up spending money on pills, weight loss products, and buying diet plans that don't work.

People with low self-esteem blame themselves for their failures, not charlatans. They develop even more, give up and stop restricting themselves in food. And then they buy slimming products again." But this will have a "yo-yo effect", when after strict food restrictions, a person gains more than he lost.

How to fight

The easiest way to become less strict with yourself is to work with a psychologist. A specialist will "fix" the brain, and it will make life easier. There is also a plan B: to get in shape in working ways. For example, start counting calories. True, there is a nuance. A self-confident person will never be satisfied with what he has achieved, and this threatens anorexia.

2. Emotional overeating

Food gives a feeling of comfort, especially if it is fatty or sweet. Therefore, it is characteristic of many people to look for something to chew in any incomprehensible situation. Moreover, studies show that women often eat stress, and men try to replace boredom with food.


As a result, you overeat, and the extra calories that the brain, not the body, demanded, are transformed into fat.

How to fight

If you tend to overeat emotionally, start keeping a food diary. And write down in it not only what you ate, but also why. For example, you made a sandwich for lunch because you were hungry. And for lunch, they ate chocolate because they wanted to distract themselves from work. When you see the true motives and discover patterns, it will be easier to monitor nutrition.

3. Depression

Research indicates a direct link between depression and weight gain. It has been established that this disorder is one of the factors that can be used to predict obesity in a person in the future. The reverse is also observed: obese people have a higher risk of depression.

How to fight

Depression is not just a mood problem, but a serious illness, so you need to see a psychiatrist.

4. Too strict approach to losing weight

You started counting calories, you go to the gym, and you introduced yourself to army discipline. But such a strict approach may not bring the desired results. If you eat too little or exercise too strenuously, the brain will prevent you from losing weight.


First, the body is not aware that you have specially created harsh conditions for it. So he switches to survival mode. Research shows that brain cells are able to prevent fat burning in conditions of severe calorie deficit. According to scientists, this mechanism was developed in ancient times, when food entered the body irregularly and it had to competently distribute energy reserves between meals. In addition, stress leads to the production of cortisol, which prevents weight loss.


Second, strict restrictions lead to an obsession with food, which forces you to overeat as soon as you stop watching your food. And the "yo-yo effect" is triggered again.

How to fight

Don't chase quick results. Choose a balanced diet and exercise that make you stronger and happier, not turn you into a squeezed lemon.

5. Incorrect approach to food

Owners of toned bodies, who make money through social networks by selling weight loss programs, are often called to stop seeing food as a pleasure and treat it as fuel. The problem is that you are not a machine. And taste buds were not given to you by chance.


If you're told to eat more chicken breasts, for example, but you can't stand it, you can only wonder how quickly that nutritional strategy will backfire.

How to fight

It is much easier to follow a healthy diet if you take into account gastronomic passions. But you will have to build the menu yourself. At least because no one knows your preferences better than you.

6. Perception of food as a reward

Food is a reward provided by nature itself. Eating food causes the production of dopamine, which activates the pleasure centers in the brain. If you encourage yourself with food for successes and achievements, the satisfaction becomes even stronger. As a result, a close connection between food and pleasant sensations is formed, which forces you to eat, even if there is no appetite.


For example, as a child, you ate cake only on holidays. And now a cake is the easiest way to cheer up and make the day special.

How to fight

Approach the question consciously and before each meal ask yourself if you are hungry or if you are driven by other motives. But come up with another incentive system. For example, after a successfully completed project, go on a ride.


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