Apples - Why Are They So Useful?

Mark Velov Author: Mark Velov Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Apples - Why Are They So Useful?

They play a role in metabolism and maintaining cholesterol levels and systolic blood pressure.

You've probably all heard the story - an apple is chased by the doctor from home every day . The essence of this "maxim" is in the chemical composition of apples.


Apples are one of the most useful fruits. In addition to all the health benefits, they help whiten teeth. There is a rule for fruits and vegetables - the greener they are, the more unsaturated fatty acids they contain. Unsaturated fatty acids are mainly involved in metabolism and activation of metabolism. With this quality, apples are extremely useful for pregnant women and the unborn baby.

Apples are a fruit with a very low glycemic index , which makes them suitable for evening consumption, as well as a snack in stricter diets. Apples contain about 12-15% carbohydrates . The largest amount of them is pectin and cellulose, very little glucose and fructose, which are practically not stored in the form of body fat due to their small amount in one fruit. On average, an apple delivers about 80 kcal.

In the composition of apples take a large percentage of vitamins - A, B, C, D and others. The amount of vitamins A and D accelerates the rejuvenation of the skin by epithelializing the surface layer with new and fresh epithelial cells. Vitamin C is one of the most capricious vitamins in the apple. It is contained mostly in the shell and . In addition, it contains a lot of pectin and cellulose, which makes it suitable for the treatment of gastrointestinal obstruction, as well as disorders.


Of vitamin B , the most common are B 6 and B 12 , which play a major role in metabolism. The combination of vitamin B 12 - cobalamin and vitamin C in active form ascorbic acid accelerates -  l-carnitine production in the body almost double, which emphasizes the important function of apples in the diets of people who aim to reduce body fat and lower body weight.


In order to maximize the absorption of its useful substances, specifically vitamin C and B , it must be consumed with the peel. It is not good to cut with a knife, because its flesh oxidizes and becomes brownish, due to which vitamin C passes into its inactive form. Also, biting it strengthens the tooth structure. In addition, it has a pronounced whitening effect on the teeth.



The apple helps lower blood pressure and high cholesterol levels . It is suitable for diabetics because it does not accelerate insulin secretion.

In addition, the apple can be used in people with constipation - constipation. This intestinal discomfort is easily overcome with one apple on an empty stomach in the morning and one apple in the evening. The greener, the better, because the sugar levels in red apples are much higher, respectively the levels of pectin and cellulose are lower at the expense of glucose and fructose.

In people with very acute diarrhea, such as steatorrhea , the apple should be eaten baked 60 minutes after the main meal.

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