Baby Food

Maryam Ayres Author: Maryam Ayres Time for reading: ~13 minutes Last Updated: December 06, 2022
Baby Food

Children's nutrition should be treated with all seriousness, because the quality of food products and the composition of a child's diet have a direct impact on the formation of the health of a small organism, and the needs of a child in food differ significantly from the needs of an adult organism. Also, it is worth considering that in children's nutrition, not only food is important, but also the process of nutrition itself - it is worth it

Basics of baby nutrition

All parents want the best for their child. In the first years of life, the quality of food plays the most important role in the formation of a young organism. If before, the range of products available to a person was quite meager, and the problem of improper nutrition did not have the right to live, because only the most necessary could be obtained, then today, with the advent of the consumer era, people got the opportunity to buy any food. However, one should not forget that there is a significant difference between an adult's body and a child's body. To ensure proper nutrition of the child , it is necessary to follow some principles.

It is worth immediately dividing the rules of food preparation for baby food up to three years of age and after, because by this age all body systems have not yet been formed. If the requirements for product processing are violated, there is a risk of allergic reactions, as well as infectious diseases.


For older children, you can no longer use special methods of food processing, however, it is worth limiting the consumption of harmful food. This includes dishes with spices, spicy, fatty and smoked food.

It is important to remember that only freshly prepared food should be present in the children's diet , since the amount of useful substances decreases during storage, and, on the contrary, decomposition products accumulate, especially dangerous of which are nitrites, which are formed from nitrates. Nitrites can cause blocking of respiratory function due to interaction with blood hemoglobin. Also, the reaction of nitrites with carcinogens is very harmful, which may cause cancer in the future.

What are the best ways to prepare food for baby food ? Steaming, stewing, and also baking in the oven are the best. Among the above, steam cooking has the greatest advantage, since it allows you to preserve the beneficial qualities of products as much as possible.

When the child is still an infant, it is better to grind all the food - through a sieve or using a food processor. At the age of one and a half or two years, you can introduce food that requires chewing into the child's diet . Don't be afraid to give your baby solid food to prevent swallowing and chewing problems in the future.

Not all products can be offered to a child. Spicy seasonings should be avoided, including mustard, adjika, vinegar and mayonnaise, as well as other active products.

When preparing meals for the child's nutrition, you should refrain from using salt, which already contains a sufficient amount in the products. If you still decide to salt the dish, it is better to use such an amount that the food seems slightly undersalted.

Those who live outside the city should not worry too much about the composition and purity of water. But the residents of the metropolis need to make some efforts so that the water for the child meets certain requirements. The best choice would be water extracted from an arterial well, as it does not necessarily need to be boiled, and it has a mineralization below average. If it is still necessary, it is best to boil water immediately before consumption, because during this process the processes of bacterial reproduction and other undesirable phenomena are accelerated.

What else, besides water, can and should a child drink? The main drinks are juices, milk, kefir, compotes. It is better to refuse the consumption of cocoa, and even more so, coffee and any carbonated drinks.

Fresh fruits should be in the children's diet , since they contain the most useful substances in their fresh form. You just need to follow a few rules. First, wash and sort the fruit thoroughly. Secondly, it is better to remove the skin and remove the bone. Thirdly, before the child eats, pour boiling water over the fruit and divide it into pieces.

Vegetables should also be eaten raw. However, it is necessary to remember that a significant amount of vitamins and minerals in vegetables is in the skin, so it is better to wash the vegetable thoroughly with a brush than to cut off the skin. If this option is not suitable, then you need to try to remove the skin as thinly as possible.

For children's nutrition, it is best to choose industrially produced cereals, however, you can make them yourself. Dried fruits, fresh fruits and fruit purees can be added to ready-made cereals.

Milk should be given to the child only after processing. At an early age, children are given milk from industrial shops, since it is not so easy to follow all the necessary safety rules at home. In the future, it is fashionable to use sterilized or pasteurized milk that has undergone the necessary heat treatment in the children's diet .

Compliance with all these rules does not mean that feeding a child will turn into a boring spectacle. The emotions that a child receives when eating food are as necessary for the child as the food itself. Therefore, try to include imagination to stimulate the child's appetite.



Organization of the baby food process

Let's dwell on the reasons why it is difficult to organize a rational diet for children . First of all, it is related to the peculiarities of the child's body:

  • imperfection of the digestive system;
  • the growing organism's great need for food;
  • increased metabolism.

All food that enters the child's body is digested, that is, processed in the digestive tract. And nutrients contained in food are converted into simpler ones, with the help of which the body builds cells and tissues.

By the time a child is born, the digestive organs are not yet sufficiently developed. Gradually, after birth, the process of development and improvement of the digestive organs takes place. Therefore, the food should not only contain all the necessary nutrients, but also correspond to the child's digestive capabilities depending on his age. Food prepared for a child should be easily absorbed by the digestive tract of a child of a certain age. This is one of the commandments of organizing proper baby nutrition .

At the sight or aroma of tasty food, gastric juice begins to be released in the child, thus, the digestive organs prepare to receive and digest food.

Research has shown that some nutrients promote the release of juice, while others, on the contrary, suppress this process. So, for example, vegetable broth and meat broth strongly stimulate the gastric glands, while sugar and starch do not have this property. 

The work of the digestive organs can be regulated by observing the correct time intervals between feeding (children under 1 year) and eating at the same hours (for children older than 1 year). By the specified feeding time, digestive juice begins to be secreted in the stomach - the child develops an appetite.

The main conditions necessary for the appearance of a good appetite in a child:

  • The right choice of food for children's diet .
  • Correct ways of cooking.
  • Day mode, i.e.: sufficient daytime and nighttime sleep, observance of meal times, daily walks in the fresh air.
  • Rational children's food menu .
  • Taste qualities and culinary processing of food.
  • Table setting.
  • Elements of a child's independence in eating.

The child should eat with pleasure, in a good mood. Never force the baby to eat everything on the plate right now, especially if the child has no appetite or you gave him something to snack on before eating. Do not entertain the child while eating with toys, telling stories, etc. In this case, the child will be distracted and the inflammatory, "appetizing" juice in his body will not be produced, or there will be very little of it.

If you are worried and saddened by a child's poor appetite (the reason for this can be various diseases), we advise you not to live by guesswork, but to immediately consult a doctor and pass the necessary tests. If the doctor says that the child is completely healthy, the reason for the lack of appetite should be found in the improper organization of children's nutrition . It should be remembered that excessive and, in particular, monotonous nutrition is not only harmful to the child's body, but also contributes to poor appetite. A child may refuse to eat if he is given the same food every day (for example, milk porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner), or if the food is prepared in a tasteless way. The exception is the children's diet in the first 10 months.

Adherence to the daily regime contributes to a good appetite of the child. It is very important to observe the daily routine and, accordingly, the hours of eating. The body gets used to it and at certain times begins to secrete gastric juice, which contributes to a good appetite and digestion of food. In the intervals between feedings, do not give the child juices, cookies, fruits, milk (instead of water) - the appetite deteriorates significantly.

The situation during feeding the child

Make sure that there is a quiet, peaceful atmosphere during meals, so that the child can concentrate on eating, you need to eat slowly. Buy beautiful dishes for your child - a plate with favorite characters from cartoons, a mug with a bright pattern. Make sure that the size of the cutlery corresponds to the age of the child. Now there is the greatest variety of plastic and silicone spoons and forks of various shapes, sizes and colors, specially designed for babies.

From the very first years of life, it is necessary to accustom the child to order at the table, so he will develop hygienic skills.

Children, older than one year, first wash their hands, tie a bib or napkin and sit at the table. Starting from one and a half years old, you can teach your child to eat independently with a spoon. For this, the baby is given a spoon corresponding to his age, and the mother simultaneously feeds him with another spoon. Most often, children really like the process of eating, and they start eating with much greater desire.

Accustom the child to the fact that the entire portion on the plate must be eaten without leftovers.

Remember: baby food should be moderately warm, neither cold nor too hot.


Approximate weekly menu of baby food aged 9 months to 1 year
  • Monday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 pc.).

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g), raw grated apple (50 g).

11.00: semolina (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: vegetable puree (100-150 g), jelly (50-100 g).

18.00: porridge or apple mousse, on crackers or semolina, or pudding (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

  • Tuesday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 piece).

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g) or grated raw apple (50 g).

11.00: grated rice porridge (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: mashed potatoes with meat or liver (100-150 g), jelly (50-100 g).

18.00: porridge or apple mousse, on crackers or semolina, or pudding (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

  • Wednesday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 piece).

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g) or grated raw apple (50 g).

11.00: semolina with breadcrumbs (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: mashed potatoes (150 g), ground meat (30 g), apricot puree (50 g).

18.00: apple mousse on crackers (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

  • Thursday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 piece).

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g) or grated raw apple (50 g).

11.00: grated wheat porridge (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: mashed potatoes cooked in meat or bone broth and topped with yolk (100-150 g), jelly (50-100 g).

18.00: pudding (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

  • Friday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 piece).

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g) or grated raw apple (50 g).

11.00: semolina with apples (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: vegetable puree with meat (150 g), jelly (50 g).

18.00: porridge (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

  • Saturday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 piece).

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g) or grated raw apple (50 g).

11.00: grated buckwheat porridge (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: fat-free broth with grated chicken meat (100 g), mashed potatoes (100 g), jelly (50 g).

18.00: apple mousse on semolina (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

  • Sunday

7.00-8.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass), cracker (1 pc.)

10.00: vitamin juice (30 g) or grated raw apple (50 g).

11.00: grated oatmeal (150 g), jelly (100 g).

14.00: mashed potatoes (100 g), meat pudding (100 g), jelly (50 g).

18.00: porridge (200 g).

21.00-22.00: breastfeeding or cow's milk (1 glass) with sugar (1 tsp).

Approximate weekly menu of children's food aged 1 year and older
  • Monday _

7.00-8.00: milk (150 g), bun with butter (1 pc.), egg "in a bag" (1 pc.).

10.00: vitamin juice (25-50 g) or raw grated apple (50 g) or raw grated carrot (50 g).

12.00: vegetable puree with liver (150 g), jelly (100-150 g).

16.00: milk (150-200 g), cookies (2 pcs.).

19.00: semolina (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Tuesday

7.00-8.00: tea with milk (100 g), bun with butter (1 pc), sour cream (20 g), grated cottage cheese (40 g).

10.00: grated raw carrot (50 g).

12.00: mashed potato soup (150 g), rice with minced meat (150 g), apple (1 pc.).

16.00: milk (150-200 g), bun (1 pc.).

19.00: pumpkin porridge with millet or rice (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Wednesday

7.00-8.00: kefir or milk (150 g), a bun with butter and honey (1 pc.).

10.00: raw apple (50 g).

12.00: broth with rice (100-150 g), mashed potatoes with minced meat (150 g), dried fruit puree (50 g).

16.00: milk (150-200 g), cookies (2 pcs.).

19.00: semolina porridge with crackers (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Thursday

7.00-8.00: tea with milk (150 g), bread with butter (1 pc.), grated liver (50 g).

10.00: carrot-apple juice (25-50 g).

12.00: mashed potatoes in broth, seasoned with yolk (150 g), curd and apple pudding with baked apples (100 g).

16.00: milk (150 g). butter bun (1 pc.).

19.00: mashed potatoes (150 g), biscuit flour mousse with apples (100 g).

  • Friday

7.00-8.00: milk (150 g), a bun with butter and grated cheese (1 pc/50 g).

10.00: grape-apple juice (25-50 g).

12:00 oat cream soup with croutons (100 g), fish, meat or chicken pudding (50 g), mashed potatoes (120 g), fruit (50 g).

16.00: milk (150 g), crackers (2 pcs.).

19.00: pink rice porridge (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Saturday

7.00-8.00: coffee with milk (150 g), a bun with butter and caviar (1 pc.).

10.00: carrot-apple juice (25-50 g).

12.00: vegetable puree (120 g), chicken or meat meatballs (50 g), compote (100 g), cookies (30 g).

16.00: milk (150 g), bun (1 pc.).

19.00: milk noodles (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Sunday

7.00-8.00: kefir or milk (150 g), bread with butter (1 pc), applesauce (50 g).

10.00: strawberry-apple juice (25-50 g).

12.00: soup with meatballs or homemade noodles (150 g), rice and salt pudding with white sauce (100 g).

16.00: milk (150 g), cookies (1 pc.).

19.00: pink semolina porridge (150 g), jelly (100 g).

Approximate weekly menu of children's food aged 2 to 4 years
  • Monday

8:00 a.m.: acorn coffee with milk (150 g), bun with butter (1 pc), egg "in a bag" (1 pc).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple (80 g).

11.00: semolina (200 g), fruit (100 g).

14.00: mashed potato soup (200 g), rice (120 g), cutlet (50 g), fruit puree (50 g).

19.00: buckwheat porridge with milk (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Tuesday

8.00: tea with milk (150 g), bun with butter (1 pc), whipped cottage cheese or cottage cheese with sour cream (50 g).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple or carrot (80 g).

11.00: mashed potatoes (200 g), fruit (100 g).

14.00: oat soup-cream (200 g), croquettes with side dish (150 g), apple (1 pc.).

19.00: pink semolina porridge (150 g), milk (150 g).

  • Wednesday

8:00 a.m.: coffee with milk (150 g), bun with pate from liver, meat or ham (1 pc.).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple (80 g).

11.00: rice porridge (200 g), berry jelly (100 g).

14.00: unsaturated borscht (200 g), vermicelli (100 g), meatballs (50 g), compote (100 g).

19.00: vegetable puree (150 g), sour cream with sugar (150 g).

  • Thursday

8:00 a.m.: acorn coffee with milk (150 g), bun with butter (1 pc), egg "in a bag" (1 pc).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple (80 g).

11.00: semolina (200 g), fruit (100 g).

14.00: mashed potato soup (200 g), rice (120 g), cutlet (50 g), fruit puree (50 g).

19.00: buckwheat porridge with milk (150 g), jelly (100 g).

  • Friday

8.00: tea with milk (150 g), bun with butter (1 pc), whipped cottage cheese or cottage cheese with sour cream (50 g).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple or carrot (80 g).

11.00: mashed potatoes (200 g), fruit (100 g).

14.00: oat soup-cream (200 g), croquettes with side dish (150 g), apple (1 pc.).

19.00: pink semolina porridge (150 g), milk (150 g).

  • Saturday

8:00 a.m.: coffee with milk (150 g), bun with pate from liver, meat or ham (1 pc.).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple (80 g).

11.00: rice porridge (200 g), berry jelly (100 g).

14.00: unsaturated borscht (200 g), vermicelli (100 g), meatballs (50 g), compote (100 g).

19.00: vegetable puree (150 g), sour cream with sugar (150 g).

  • Sunday

8.00: tea with milk (150 g), bun with butter (1 pc), whipped cottage cheese or cottage cheese with sour cream (50 g).

10.00: vitamin juice (100-150 g) or raw grated apple or carrot (80 g).

11.00: mashed potatoes (200 g), fruit (100 g).

14.00: oat soup-cream (200 g), croquettes with side dish (150 g), apple (1 pc.).

19.00: pink semolina porridge (150 g), milk (150 g).

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