Children And Fast Food

Alexander Bruni
Author: Alexander Bruni Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: November 29, 2022
Children And Fast Food

Children and fast food are a dangerous combination. Find out how "fast food" affects a child's health.

Children and fast food are a dangerous combination. Find out how "fast food" affects a child's health.

Children love fast food for its bright packaging, rich taste and gifts that are given to small visitors of a fast food establishment. And if the child eats ordinary home-made food reluctantly, then he will not refuse crackers, chips, hamburgers.

Many people have heard about the health hazards of such food. Let's figure out how dangerous "fast food" is for a growing child's body.

The essence of "fast food"

The main task of fast food is to satisfy hunger quickly and with pleasure, which it does well. Typical food in this category contains a lot of fat and is very high in calories, so it really fills you up quickly. Food additives, spices and sauces provide satisfaction from such food. An additional bonus for children is gifts and a festive atmosphere in fast food establishments.


But there are some features of the fast food system. In particular, the attractive appearance and taste of such products are given by various food additives, dyes, odor enhancers and means to improve consistency.

In addition, "fast food" contains trans fats. On their basis, margarine, confectionery and cooking fats are made, which are used in food preparation. These fats are cheap, so they are found in almost all industrial products, from chips to chocolate bars. Trans fats are also formed during deep-frying and repeated use of heated vegetable oil. Such fats increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, impair metabolism, disrupt the work of internal organs and increase the risk of cancer.


Another feature of "fast food" is the high content of salt and preservatives. At the same time, there are almost no vitamins and minerals in such products.

How does it affect children's health?

Nutritionists have come to the conclusion that regular consumption of fast food products and dishes leads to obesity, diabetes, liver diseases and increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. This is due to the high content of fat, calories and saturated fatty acids.


The same consequences of frequent consumption of fast food in children. But the child's body is still forming. An unbalanced menu, rich in fats and carbohydrates, but lacking in vitamins, leads to disorders in the endocrine and immune systems. This affects both physical and mental development.


Passion for "fast food" can cause the following health problems in children:

  • Allergy. Cocoa, which is part of chocolate, is the strongest allergen and can provoke the development of cross-allergies. Food additives and flavorings can also cause allergies.
  • Problems with teeth. This is caused by excess sugar and the content of substances that disrupt the acidity in the mouth in the "fast food" menu.
  • Indigestion. Such food contains little dietary fiber and fiber, so it lingers in the intestines, causing fermentation and decay. This leads to disordered stools, flatulence, and constipation. In addition, such food forces the liver and pancreas to work with excessive effort. Indigestion is facilitated by the child's use of various sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.), sweet carbonated water.
  • Overweight or obesity
How to wean children from fast food?

The best solution is to completely protect the child from harmful food. But strict bans, as you know, can cause a backlash. It is advisable to limit visits to fast food establishments to once a month: a sandwich and a portion of fries once every 30 days should not harm the child's body.


It is almost impossible to completely protect modern children from unhealthy food: they see colorful advertisements around them, hear friends talking about trips to such establishments. A pack of crackers or nuts, most often, looks more appetizing to a child than mom's sandwich. Parents should tell the child in detail about the harm of the "fast menu" and offer a healthy alternative. For example, try replacing chips with potatoes baked in the oven in small pieces. To prepare homemade burgers, you will need special buns, vegetables, cheese and greens. Prepare patties from lean meat or fish (steamed or in the oven) and fill the bun. If desired, you can smear it inside with natural yogurt, sour cream or soft cheese.

As an alternative to useless sweets, offer the child dried fruits, candied fruits, marshmallows, marmalade, beautifully cut vegetables and fruits.

If parents use a personal example to show which foods are harmful and which are healthy, then the child will develop proper eating habits.



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