Fractional Nutrition: How To Make Your Ideal Diet

Maryam Ayres Author: Maryam Ayres Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: November 10, 2022
Fractional Nutrition: How To Make Your Ideal Diet

One of the methods of healthy weight loss is fractional nutrition. How to make your ideal diet to lose weight without feeling hungry?

One of the methods of healthy weight loss is fractional nutrition. How to make your ideal diet to lose weight without feeling hungry?

The essence of fractional nutrition

Traditionally, meals are divided into breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. But many people have a habit of skipping breakfast, while lunch is often dry, and dinner is too rich. As a result of such a diet, it is easy to gain excess weight and develop digestive problems.

People who want to lose weight often exhaust themselves with diets or take long breaks between meals. As a result of such methods, sooner or later the extra pounds will still return. But there is a way that allows you to reduce weight without dieting, without feeling hungry and without endangering your health. This is fractional nutrition. Its key points are as follows: eating 5-7 times a day in small portions and excluding foods that contribute to rapid weight gain (sweets, pastries).


If the intervals between meals are long, the body begins to store fats "in reserve". In turn, frequent meals force the body to burn incoming calories more actively and use up accumulated reserves. This contributes to the acceleration of metabolism. With such a diet, the body does not have time to experience hunger. The production of appetite-stimulating hormones stops. With fractional nutrition, the caloric content of the diet gradually decreases, and a person loses weight.

Features of the diet

Intervals between meals. It is recommended to eat every 3 hours.

Portion sizes. Portions should be small - about a fistful. At the initial stage, such portions may cause you psychological discomfort. So that the brain has time to receive a signal about the saturation of a "child's portion", try to eat more slowly. You can do it with a teaspoon. Another way: at the first urges of hunger, try to drink a glass of cool water in small sips. The body will "warm up" the liquid and turn away from the feeling of hunger. Soon you will get used to the new diet, and these tricks will not be needed.

The "empty calories" exception. If you want to lose weight, then you will have to forget about sweet carbonated water, fast food, sweet pastries, buttery bread. These products are not just high-calorie. They belong to fast carbohydrates, due to which the blood sugar level will first rise sharply, and then fall again, causing a feeling of hunger. If it is difficult to give up all harmful products, do it gradually. For example, you can exclude one harmful product per week.


Choose hearty foods. These include vegetables rich in fiber (broccoli, cauliflower, celery), mushrooms, protein products (lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy and sour-milk products). From fruits and berries, it is better to choose those with a lower glycemic index (apricots, cherries, plums, currants). The diet should include vegetable oil, nuts, and seeds.

Correct division of food into meals. Foods rich in carbohydrates (cereals, fruits) should be eaten in the first half of the day, and dairy products should be eaten before noon. For dinner, you should choose vegetables and protein food (fish, poultry, cheese). Dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime.

Drinking mode. The feeling of hunger is easy to confuse with thirst. Therefore, it is better not to wait for thirst, but to drink water often and little by little. It is advisable not to drink within 40 minutes after eating, so as not to interfere with the digestive system to digest it.

Menu recommendations

When making your ideal diet of small meals, follow the following recommendations:

  • Breakfast should be hearty and include healthy carbohydrates, for example, porridge.
  • For lunch, it is advisable to eat hot dishes: soups, vegetable side dishes with a small amount of baked fish, lean meat or an omelet.
  • For dinner, eat hot meat dishes or stewed vegetables.
  • Vegetables, fruits, grain bread, low-fat cheese, natural yogurt are suitable as snacks.
  • The daily diet should include vitamins, proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other useful substances necessary for the body.

Choose foods that are low in calories.



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