Gaining Weight At The Beginning Of Pregnancy Is Especially Dangerous

Ivan Red Jr. Author: Ivan Red Jr. Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: October 14, 2022
Gaining Weight At The Beginning Of Pregnancy Is Especially Dangerous

Scientists from Canada said: gaining weight in the early stages of pregnancy is a dangerous carelessness. Experts are convinced that the child will pay for its consequences with his health.

Scientists from Canada said: gaining weight in the early stages of pregnancy is a dangerous carelessness. Experts are convinced that the child will pay for its consequences with his health. Doctors from the University of Alberta are alarmed by the carelessness with which women who are preparing to become mothers treat their weight. For many expectant mothers, it seems quite natural to gain kilograms while being in an "interesting position". Canadian doctors are quick to dispel this misconception. "The results we obtained clearly indicate the need for preventive discussions among pregnant women, during which it is necessary to explain the danger of early weight gain and the importance of a healthy diet and physical exercise," said Marge Davenport, co-author of the study. The fact is that the recent work of scientists who monitored the condition of 172 pregnant women, showed that mothers who gained extra weight in the initial phase of pregnancy did a disservice to their children. Babies of such women often turned out to be obese themselves - their weight was much higher than that of children whose mothers kept their diet under control. Among women who were under the supervision of doctors, more than half (52%) gained extra weight during pregnancy. However, experts caught the following trend: it turned out that the fullness of pregnant women had negative consequences for the fetus only if they gained extra kilograms in the first half of pregnancy. Abnormally large and heavy fruits in this case were recorded almost three times more often. According to doctors, such children are prone to the development of severe metabolic disorders, which will develop with age. "Get rid of the dangerous illusion that during pregnancy you can eat in unlimited quantities. Pregnant women and, even more so, treating doctors should be aware of all official recommendations on weight control during pregnancy and follow them strictly. This, beyond any doubt, will contribute to a safe course of pregnancy and good health of the baby", - the Canadian scientists gave their verdict.


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