Healthy Eating Against Spring Fatigue

Mark Velov Author: Mark Velov Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: April 20, 2024
Healthy Eating Against Spring Fatigue

In this article, learn more about Healthy Eating Against Spring Fatigue. Beat spring fatigue by eating healthy.

Are you tired of being tired? We assure you that a healthy diet will help you fight the annoying spring fatigue . By changing only a small part of your eating habits, you will feel alive and energetic throughout the day.

"No" to white foods!

White bread, pasta, rice and potatoes are foods with a high glycemic index. When consumed in large quantities, they can cause a state of hypoglycemia - low blood sugar. Symptoms include fatigue, mood swings and mental blurring. By choosing foods with a lower glycemic index, such as whole grains that are not refined, sweet potatoes and brown rice, you will increase the body's energy levels and lose weight.

"Yes" to green drinks!

Green tea is extremely rich in antioxidants and is a great addition to any weight loss program, but this is far from exhausting its benefits. It contains natural caffeine, which successfully fights spring fatigue and causes the same surge of energy as that after a cup of invigorating coffee.

More protein

Eating the right amount of protein balances blood sugar, which in turn prevents energy fluctuations. Optimal sources of protein are those that are lower in saturated fat, such as low-fat dairy products (yogurt, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese), chicken, fish, turkey, soy and egg white.

You are not tired, you are thirsty !

Many of the symptoms that occur in the body are a sign of dehydration, not a specific disease. Therefore, it is necessary to drink 6-8 glasses of fresh water, herbal tea or diluted fruit juice / 100% fruit content / per day.

Think colorful!

When choosing a food, imagine a plate that looks like a color picture. Nature has wisely colored healthy foods in bright and beautiful colors. Tomatoes, blueberries, raspberries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots, oranges and spinach are just some of the foods rich in nutrients and vitamins that will charge you with energy and a sense of life.

Choose foods rich in iron

The body needs iron to produce hemoglobin - the main component of red blood cells. Hemoglobin transports oxygen to the cells in the body, where it is used to produce energy. If the level of iron is low (iron deficiency anemia), red blood cells supply less oxygen, which significantly reduces energy in the body.

In addition to all of the above, it is important to :

  • you do not overeat
  • enjoy a bigger lunch than dinner
  • do not eat toast or pasta just before bedtime
  • eat dinner earlier with vegetables and proteins - chicken or fish, accompanied by healthy fats such as olive oil, walnuts, etc.

In short, food and water intake are closely related to energy levels in the body. Choose healthy foods and drink enough fluids to prevent spring fatigue from overpowering you.

More on the topic:
  • Foods that fight chronic inflammation
  • A short guide to eating during cardio and strength training and on recovery days
  • Five groups of foods that regulate blood triglyceride levels
  • What food to focus on in the fall

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