How To Cook How To Properly Store Lemons - Part 2 - Recipe

Joe Fowler
Author: Joe Fowler Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
How To Cook How To Properly Store Lemons - Part 2 - Recipe

In this article, learn more about How To Cook How To Properly Store Lemons - Part 2 - Recipe. Learn how to cook "How to properly store lemons - part 2". Delicious recipe..

Now that we've learned how to store lemons in and out of the refrigerator, it's time to see how citrus fruits retain their properties and properties with the help of sugar.


Storage of lemons with sugar

Most housewives believe that the only way to keep sour fruits fresh for a long time is to cut them sweet. Indeed, so lemons are the longest to eat. You can pre-peel the citrus, or you can process them by cutting them into thin slices along with the peels.


A sharp knife should be used so that the slices are thin, they should not be thicker than 0.5 cm. Then the pieces are arranged in layers in a jar, the bottom of which is sprinkled with sugar, and between the rows are also placed sweet crystals. The proportion of the products is 1: 1 (),
ie for canning 1 kg of lemons you need a kilogram of sugar). It is good to keep the dish at room temperature for a week, then put it in the refrigerator.
In winter you can leave the jar on the terrace, but only if the temperature does not exceed 0 degrees.

More ways to store lemons

The following options for preserving the shelf life of citrus fruits are not very popular, but this does not make them any less effective:

  • buried in sand and placed in a cellar;
  • arranged in cabinets, covered with sawdust and again stored in a cellar; to further extend the shelf life, it is a good idea to wrap each lemon in wax paper in advance;
  • in sealed jars: the citrus fruits are tightly arranged in sterilized glass jars, in which a piece of lighted candle is placed and closed immediately. The fire will "burn" oxygen and lemons will be delicious and useful for a very long time.
  • the last trich is again in a jar, but this time with water: the fruits are arranged in the bowl, completely covered with water and then stored in the refrigerator; the inconvenience of this method is that the water has to be changed daily.


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