How To Cook Napoleon Cake - Recipe

Alexander Bruni
Author: Alexander Bruni Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
How To Cook Napoleon Cake - Recipe

In this article, learn more about How To Cook Napoleon Cake - Recipe. Learn how to cook "Торта Наполеон". Delicious recipe..

Necessary products

For the dough:

400 grams of margarine

1 cup milk

1 egg

4-5 cups flour

For cream:

500 grams of butter

3 glasses of milk

3 s. l. flour

4 eggs

2.5 cups sugar


Method of preparation:

Mix the margarine with the flour. Carefully mix the egg, milk, a little salt and add the mixture to the flour and margarine. Knead the dough and divide it into 10 parts. Leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Then roll out thin cake pans and bake them in a preheated oven until golden. You get brittle swamps that break easily, so be careful.

Make a cream:

Carefully mix the eggs with the sugar, adding 1 tbsp milk. Add the remaining milk (it should be warm), which you have previously boiled, the flour. Stir well. Leave the mixture on the stove, stirring, not allowing it to boil, because the eggs may cross. When thickened, remove from heat.

Add the softened butter and vanilla to the warm cream.

Each of the countertops is smeared with egg cream. Arrange the layers on top of each other, sprinkle with crumbs on top, which you will make from the most unsuccessful layer of dough.

The cake is left overnight in the refrigerator to soak.

Enjoy your meal!

More on the topic:
  • Protein cream for cakes and pastries
  • Butter cream for cakes and pastries
  • Hard sugar dough for cakes - a way of preparation and application
  • Sugar dough with egg white

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