How To Improve A Child's Immunity With Food?

Leticia Celentano Author: Leticia Celentano Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
How To Improve A Child's Immunity With Food?

What products is good for the child to consume for resistance to infections and diseases ...

Organs, tissues, antibodies, white blood cells take part in the immune system , whose common work protects the child's body from infections and diseases. Children whose diet is not complete have weaker immunity. This does not necessarily mean scarce, although in some children malnutrition is also a factor for weaker defenses , but that the regime is not balanced, some substances predominate at the expense of others, lack of valuable nutrients needed to build a child's body. . Unfortunately, the inclusion in the diet of children today is the inclusion of products that weaken the immune system , suppress its ability to form white blood cells and antibodies.

Fortunately, there are also foods that can be used to strengthen the child's body's resistance to disease. Who are they?




Meat, especially beef, turkey, as well as liver, egg yolk, dairy products and legumes - due to the presence of zinc . It is an extremely important mineral for the formation of white blood cells, T cells and antibodies and, accordingly, for the body's fight against infections and its rapid recovery. Tender meat is necessary for the child's body to strengthen as a whole.



Raw fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, especially kiwi, strawberries, broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, even potatoes - cooked with sweet crust or because they are rich in vitamin C . Although its reputation for preventing infections has been questioned in new research, it remains necessary for the body's rapid recovery. It is also involved in the formation of white blood cells and antibodies, through which the body fights various infections.

In order not to suffer from vitamin C deficiency, the child should consume about 200 g per day of raw fruits and vegetables.



In order to remove from the body faster the toxins formed by the activity of harmful microorganisms in the body, foods containing vitamin E are useful . It is also involved in the formation of B cells, which in turn secrete antibodies that kill bacteria and other microorganisms.


Vitamin E can be obtained mainly through the consumption of nuts, especially sunflower seeds, olives, cold pressed vegetable oil, as well as whole grains, legumes, brown rice, eggs, milk, meat offal, spinach and asparagus.



Other especially valuable substances for the child are omega-3 fatty acids . They protect the body from damage in case of an allergic reaction and strong sensitivity to certain irritants. Omega-3 fatty acids increase the activity of white blood cells against bacteria and eliminate inflammatory processes. According to research, they contribute to reducing the incidence of respiratory infections in children.

They can be provided with oily fish - salmon, mackerel, tuna, as well as with regular eating of walnuts.



Yogurt should be a mandatory food for the child's menu because of the probiotics in it. Bifidobacteria and lactobacilli improve digestion. According to a study, children who regularly eat yogurt are 19% less likely to suffer from colds and flu, otitis and sore throat.


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