Nutrition And Muscular Dystrophy: Managing The Condition Through Diet

Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: November 01, 2023

Learn how nutrition can play a crucial role in managing muscular dystrophy. Discover the best foods and nutrients to include in a diet for individuals with muscular dystrophy.

What is Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic disorders characterized by progressive muscle weakness and degeneration. It is caused by mutations in genes responsible for the production of proteins needed for healthy muscle function. There are several types of muscular dystrophy, including Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Becker muscular dystrophy, and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy.

The Role of Nutrition in Muscular Dystrophy

Nutrition plays a crucial role in managing muscular dystrophy. While there is no cure for the condition, a well-balanced diet can help improve muscle strength, maintain overall health, and slow down the progression of the disease.

1. Adequate Protein Intake

Protein is essential for muscle growth and repair. Individuals with muscular dystrophy may require higher protein intake to support their muscle function. Lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, tofu, and legumes should be included in their diet.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Inflammation can contribute to muscle damage in muscular dystrophy. Including anti-inflammatory foods in the diet can help reduce inflammation and promote muscle health. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, walnuts, and flaxseeds, are known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Nutrient-Dense Foods

Since individuals with muscular dystrophy may have difficulty eating or swallowing, it is important to focus on nutrient-dense foods. These foods provide a high amount of essential nutrients in a small portion. Examples include avocados, nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables.

4. Vitamin D and Calcium

Vitamin D and calcium are crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis, which can be a complication of muscular dystrophy. Foods rich in vitamin D include fatty fish, fortified dairy products, and egg yolks. Calcium can be obtained from dairy products, leafy green vegetables, and fortified plant-based milk alternatives.

5. Hydration

Proper hydration is important for overall health and muscle function. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day helps prevent muscle cramps and promotes optimal muscle performance.


While nutrition cannot cure muscular dystrophy, it can play a significant role in managing the condition and improving quality of life. A well-balanced diet that includes adequate protein, anti-inflammatory foods, nutrient-dense foods, and essential vitamins and minerals can help support muscle function and slow down the progression of the disease.

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