Peanuts For The Heart, Against Stroke And Cancer: 13 Scientifically Proven Facts About The Benefits Of Peanuts

Dean Rouseberg Author: Dean Rouseberg Time for reading: ~5 minutes Last Updated: November 15, 2022
Peanuts For The Heart, Against Stroke And Cancer: 13 Scientifically Proven Facts About The Benefits Of Peanuts

Peanut is not only a nut, familiar to us since childhood with its wonderful taste. Peanut has a high nutritional value. What is the use of peanuts? Contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, unsaturated fatty acids.

Peanut is not only a nut, familiar to us since childhood with its wonderful taste. Peanut has a high nutritional value. What is the use of peanuts? Contains vitamins, micro- and macroelements, unsaturated fatty acids. The beneficial properties of peanuts make it an irreplaceable product. Let's find out in detail what the benefits of peanuts are.

Peanut: what are the benefits of peanuts

Unsaturated fats, proteins, and fiber, which are part of peanuts, provide a feeling of satiety for a long time. Eating peanuts prevents overeating, which means that you lose weight more easily. Omega-3 fatty acids lower cholesterol and blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

If you have skin problems or arthritis, remember this wonderful bean with its anti-inflammatory properties. Peanut in the diet is a good prevention of skin cancer, as it protects the skin from the harmful effects of solar radiation.

If you love peanuts, you're in luck. These tasty beans are a source of useful substances. They have a health-improving effect on us, give us a lot of energy. Some useful properties of peanuts may even surprise you.


Peanuts are a versatile product. It is eaten raw. It can be fried and boiled, added to smoothies and nut mixes. Peanut butter and paste are made from it. It is added to sandwiches, pastries and even sauces. Simply put, peanuts are great! And now let's talk in more detail about the benefits of peanuts.

Peanuts and 13 facts about the benefits of peanuts 1. Peanuts help lose weight

With a balanced diet, peanuts contribute to weight loss. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, proteins and fiber. They give a quick and long-lasting feeling of satiety. You rarely have the desire to snack. So, you will not gain extra pounds. By the way, boiled peanuts are lower in calories.

2. Peanuts for cholesterol

Do you have high cholesterol? Eat peanuts and peanut butter to normalize cholesterol. The beneficial properties of peanuts are preserved regardless of the form in which they are consumed, since they do not contain cholesterol.

3. Benefits of peanuts for diabetes

Peanuts can reduce the severity of diabetes because they contain manganese, a trace element that regulates blood sugar. Peanuts are a good choice for diabetes.

4. Peanuts against blood pressure

If you have hypertension, the omega-3 fatty acids found in peanuts will lower your blood pressure. And without high blood pressure, the risk of heart disease and stroke will be significantly reduced. Just don't use salted peanuts, as it actually worsens blood pressure indicators.

Prefer boiled or roasted peanuts. Then the beneficial properties of peanuts are revealed with the greatest force.

5. What are the benefits of peanuts for the skin

Unsaturated fatty acids have amazing anti-inflammatory properties. So if your skin is exhausted, it will love peanuts. These fats protect the skin from the harmful effects of direct sunlight, reducing the likelihood of wrinkles and pigmentation. The benefit of peanuts is manifested in the fact that the unsaturated fatty acids contained in it protect fibroplates, cells that produce collagen.

What else are peanuts good for? It turns out that it also has a wound-healing effect. It manifests itself from small cuts to acne. Reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes promotes rapid healing and healing of the skin. Peanuts are an excellent source of vitamin E, which has an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect on the skin.

6. Peanuts prevent cancer

Peanuts are also recommended for the prevention of various types of cancer. Beans contain phytosterols, substances with anti-cancer properties. They are especially useful for preventing and even treating breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer.


Eating peanuts and peanut products reduces the growth of cancer cells in women with colon and rectal cancer. Peanut protects the skin from the appearance of neoplasms. And unsaturated fats, vitamin E protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

7. Benefits of peanuts for arthritis

Arthritis is a chronic disease that affects 50 million people in the United States alone. Arthritis sufferers should also not forget about the beneficial properties of peanuts. Yes, the anti-inflammatory effect of peanuts reduces joint pain. At the same time, nicotinic acid increases joint mobility.

Peanuts in any form are a good alternative to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The beneficial properties of peanuts never cease to amaze!

8. Peanuts against Alzheimer's disease

The benefit of peanuts is also manifested in the fact that it facilitates the fight against such a neurodegenerative disease as Alzheimer's disease. Thus continuing the ability of man to control his body and mind.

Peanuts contain a substance such as resveratrol, which prevents cell death, protects DNA and prevents neurological disorders. In this case, give preference to roasted and boiled peanuts, as they have a higher resveratrol content.

9. Peanuts to protect the heart

Like other nuts, peanuts and the oil made from them reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when consumed daily. The benefits of peanuts for the heart are obvious!

10. Peanut prevents stroke

Peanut contains vitamins that reduce the level of such an amino acid as homocysteine. Which in turn is one of the causes of stroke.

11. Benefits of peanuts against gallstones

The benefit of peanuts is its ability to prevent the formation of stones in the gallbladder (especially in women) by 25%. Eat at least 100 g of peanuts in any form a week, and your gallbladder will thank you!

12. Peanut for depression and dementia

Peanut also helps to cope with depression. It increases the serotonin content in the blood. There is also information that peanuts are useful in the treatment of dementia.

13. Peanut prevents fetal development disorders

Folic acid prevents abnormalities in the development of the fetus and ensures a healthy pregnancy. But if you are allergic to peanuts, the side effects can have very dire consequences for the fetus. So be careful!

Peanut in any form is good for our health. Eat peanuts with the skin on. If you boil or fry peanuts, eat them immediately after cooking, as their shelf life is limited.

Peanut Precautions

Be careful if you are allergic to peanuts. An allergic reaction can manifest as hives, sore throat, cough, runny nose, rash, swelling of the face. These symptoms can easily develop into anaphylaxis, a life-threatening condition.

Eating peanuts is a tangible health benefit. Peanut is not only a tasty delicacy, but also an indispensable tool in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. The benefits of peanuts for your health are obvious!



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