Soda For Weight Loss: Benefit Or Deadly Danger?

Dean Rouseberg Author: Dean Rouseberg Time for reading: ~6 minutes Last Updated: November 09, 2022
Soda For Weight Loss: Benefit Or Deadly Danger?

Soda for weight loss is one of the controversial methods. How to lose weight with soda so as not to harm the body? And what are the reviews of those who lost weight with soda?

Soda is drunk in case of heartburn, it is used to make a hangover drink, it is used to protect against mosquito bites in summer and sore throat in winter. And some "artisans" even advise to determine pregnancy with the help of this miracle powder. But can you lose weight with soda?

Magical properties of soda

In 1280, a scientist named Albert the Great was looking for a recipe for an elixir of youth from some white powder. Scientists deciphered his manuscripts and were surprised: this powder is ordinary soda. It turns out that in Ancient Egypt, soda was a cult substance available only to priests - it was even called the tears of an angel, a guide to the underworld, and the ancient Slavs prepared an invigorating drink for warriors from soda, water and honey. Sodium bicarbonate is in our blood, and it is believed that its additional intake changes the structure of the blood and causes a surge of energy. But is everything rosy in modern reality?

Is it safe to drink diet soda?

Egyptian priests had to constantly chew soda. But you should not do the same for losing weight. Now let's explain why. Soda, entering the body, is split into sodium and carbon dioxide. When the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood increases - yes, the rate of lipolysis, namely the breakdown of fats, increases. The myth of the usefulness of soda for weight loss is based on this. But, if you have low stomach acidity, the systematic intake of soda inside can soon lead to gastritis and even ulcers. Plus, even the healthiest person will experience bloating and general malaise after a few days.

In addition, the acid-alkaline balance may be disturbed in our body due to improper nutrition. An excessive intake of proteins - meat, seafood, dairy products, cereals and, of course, sweets - leads to "oxidation of the body". To cope with this nuisance, it is enough to simply increase the number of vegetables in the diet, in particular, those that are red in color. It is worth reducing the consumption of meat and sweets to a minimum.


It is not necessary for weight loss to drink soda with lemon every day on an empty stomach, as many Internet resources testify. Soda does not reduce appetite, but acidity of the body. It is not fatal, but very dangerous for your health!

Baths with soda for weight loss

There is another, more real method of using soda in the weight loss process. Baths with the addition of sodium bicarbonate, according to doctors, really relieve fatigue, calm the nervous system, remove the problem of insomnia and neutralize stress.

Water with soda forms an alkaline environment, ideal for the human body. Carbon dioxide is released in the water, it enters the body through the steamed pores of the skin and helps break down fats.

To prepare a proper soda bath, you need to dilute 300-400 grams of soda and about 500 grams of sea salt in water at a temperature of 37-39 degrees. Drop a couple of drops of essential oil here (no more than 5) and dive into this solution for 20 minutes. Such a bath makes it possible to lose about 2 kilograms in one session, but do not rush to rejoice. In fact, this is mostly a loss of water, and you will lose weight by 200-300 grams.

It is important to remember a few more rules for taking soda baths: one hour before the water procedures and one hour after them, you cannot eat, the bath should be taken only while sitting, and the first session should last only 5-10 minutes (to determine the fact of tolerance or intolerance of the soda solution by the skin ). Soda is not washed off the skin after the procedure.

In this recipe, you can vary the ingredients - add only 300 grams of soda to the water (this will soften the skin and relax the body), combine soda and sea salt (soda bath for weight loss), or add different oils to the water-soda solution - grapefruit, lemon , mint, lavender, eucalyptus, rosemary (fighting cellulite). A glass of milk can be added to soda and essential oil (for example, ginger or cinnamon).


If you feel normal while taking a soda bath, you don't feel dizzy or have pain in the heart area - you can continue the sessions 1-2 times a week, each time increasing the duration of the procedure by 5 minutes.


Soda baths help:

- Clean the skin from rashes, heal wounds and cracks; – Smooth out the cellulite crust; - Calm the nervous system; - Improve blood circulation; - Remove swelling.

Soda baths are not recommended:

– Pregnant women and children; – Suffering from high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, thyroid gland problems, diabetes; – People with oncological diseases; - To those who have any injury; – During menstruation; - For those who have an individual intolerance to soda.

How else to lose weight with soda:

Another method of external application of soda for weight loss is the preparation of masks and scrubs for the body at home. You can rub with sodium bicarbonate before taking a soda bath or after it, or you can completely separate these two procedures.

Baking soda scrubs help get rid of cellulite (it works especially well in combination with anti-cellulite massage).



1. One of the common recipes for a soda scrub for weight loss is to mix 1 part of soda and 2 parts of honey to a homogeneous consistency and rub the thick mixture into the skin in problem areas with massage movements - for example, on the thighs and buttocks. It is recommended to wash it with cool water.

2. The recipe is even simpler - adding 2 tablespoons of soda to a quarter cup of shower gel. It is more convenient to apply such a scrub on the body using a washcloth, it works well on rough areas of the skin, for example, on the skin on the elbows and knees.

3. Rather large abrasive particles in soda-salt body scrub. Equal parts of fine salt and soda are mixed with boiled water and applied to steamed skin.


4. A good basis for a soda scrub will be kefir, sour cream, cream or vegetable oil. Coffee lovers will like a body scrub with the addition of their favorite drink: mix 1 tablespoon each of soda and salt, and 2 teaspoons of coffee grounds, add this mixture to thick sour cream, rinse with warm water.

5. You can ensure a gentle scrub with the help of this recipe: mix 3 parts of soda and 1 part of ground oatmeal, dilute the dry ingredients with water or milk.

Baking soda wrap is your option if you are not allergic. You can simply mix baking soda with very warm water, apply this composition to a soft cloth, apply it to problem areas and traditionally wrap it with cling film. Other options: adding hot oils, sea salt, dry algae to the mixture. A slight burning sensation during such a procedure is considered normal, if the itching intensifies - this is most likely a manifestation of an allergic reaction.


The conclusion on the safety of soda for weight loss can be formulated in one phrase - do no harm. You should definitely not drink soda on an empty stomach, with lemon or any other ingredients - you will get serious health damage from such a cocktail.

You should be careful about water procedures with soda, and take soda baths only if you are completely sure of your excellent health, not often and not very hot. In this case, you will get a slightly tighter skin and get rid of inflammation and rashes. An instant miracle will not happen!

And the least evil of all methods that can be useful is a body scrub with added soda. It gently cleanses the upper layer of the skin from impurities and improves blood circulation.




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