The Most Useful Ways Of Cooking

Mark Velov Author: Mark Velov Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: November 22, 2022
The Most Useful Ways Of Cooking

Healthy eating is fashionable and very useful. Find out which are the healthiest ways to cook.

Healthy eating is fashionable and very useful. Find out which are the healthiest ways to cook.

After people massively began to consume semi-finished products and became fond of fast food, doctors seriously talked about the need for a healthy diet. The American Society of Cardiology recommends throwing away the frying pan and completely eliminating fried foods from your diet. It is not only a high-calorie food, but also a dangerous food, as it contains a large amount of trans fats and carcinogens.

Doctors recommend giving preference to those types of culinary processing of food that preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in products. We will talk about these methods of cooking.


This is the simplest and most affordable way of cooking. Boiled vegetables, meat and fish are well absorbed by the body. In addition, there is no need to use oil when cooking, which makes the food less caloric.


When cooking meat or fish, the first broth should be poured out, since it will contain the maximum amount of toxic and harmful substances that can be contained in such products.

Vegetables are recommended to be cooked in a minimum amount of water and with the lid closed in order to preserve more vitamins and trace elements in them. Vegetables should be boiled until half-cooked. So you will preserve their nutritional value and not increase the glycemic index.

Steam cooking

Steam cooking preserves a maximum of useful substances in vegetables, meat and fish. This way, the products are juicy and low-calorie, since you do not need to use oil. The only drawback of this preparation is the raw taste of the food. However, you can easily deal with this by adding a little lemon juice, garlic and herbs to your food.

Cooking on the grill

Food cooked on the grill, as in the previous cases, does not contain oil, and it retains the maximum of useful components. However, the quality of such food will directly depend on the type of grill on which culinary processing is carried out. Nutritionists prefer electric and air grills, since in this case there is no need to use a liquid for kindling, which emits harmful vapors and dangerous chemical compositions.


Keep in mind that cooking meat over an open fire is quite dangerous, as it may not be cooked, and you risk getting an infectious disease.


Baking is one of the easiest, and at the same time useful, types of food preparation. Baking does not require much attention: you can put meat and vegetables in the oven, set the desired temperature, set the timer, and go about your business.

Losers should understand that for them baking is not the best way to prepare food. For example, meat (even lean meat) contains a large amount of hidden fats, which are released with this method of cooking.

It is best to bake root crops. In the oven, they retain their entire structure. And the sugars contained in root vegetables are caramelized, which will give the dish a good taste. Just don't use a baking sleeve. The plastic from which it is made emits toxic products at high temperatures. Foil is considered safer.

Dry frying in a pan

Teflon pans make it possible to fry food without oil. However, as it turned out, such dishes can be dangerous for health. Yes, Teflon breaks down over time, releasing carcinogenic substances. At the same time, the more scratches there are on the pan, the more harmful substances will enter the food during cooking.

Doctors recommend using cast iron pans for dry frying. And if the products emit a lot of juices during frying, it is recommended to lay parchment paper on the pan beforehand.



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