What Do Fat Men Risk?

Alexander Bruni
Author: Alexander Bruni Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: October 11, 2022
What Do Fat Men Risk?

In this article, learn more about What Do Fat Men Risk?. Extra kilograms on the waist of men - the way to health problems..

Extra kilograms on the waist of men is a way to health problems.

According to official data, every sixth person in Ukraine suffers from obesity, but the real numbers may be much higher. The problem of male obesity exists and is gaining momentum. What is dangerous excess weight for representatives of the stronger sex?

Is testosterone to blame?

Scientists have found out that the mechanisms of male and female obesity differ. In men, the sex hormone testosterone plays an important role in the appearance of extra pounds. This hormone is produced by the testicles, determines secondary sexual characteristics and regulates sexual function. It is also responsible for fat burning and the proper formation of muscles in a man's body.


At the age of 25-30, testosterone is produced by the male body in the maximum amount. Then its number begins to decrease by approximately 1-2% per year. That is why men often "gain" extra pounds with age. At the same time, obesity itself provokes a decrease in testosterone levels. The fact is that the adipose tissue produces the hormone leptin, which regulates the processes of fat deposition. It blocks the synthesis of testosterone. Thus, the appearance of extra pounds in itself can cause a decrease in testosterone. Which in turn will lead to even bigger problems with excess weight.

Other reasons for gaining excess weight

Extra pounds can appear in a man for other reasons. These include:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Improper nutrition and the habit of eating more than necessary
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Loss of sensitivity of the hypothalamus to leptin, a hormone that transmits a satiety signal to the brain.
Dangers of being overweight

Excess weight for men can cause many health problems. These include:

  • hypertension, coronary heart disease
  • heart attacks, strokes
  • diabetes
  • psychoemotional disorders
  • problems in the sexual sphere: decreased libido, decreased erection, infertility

Smooth men get sick more often, and the average life expectancy of full representatives of the strong half of humanity is much less.

Critical waist volume

Excess fat deposits primarily appear in men in the abdomen. Therefore, the main diagnostic tool for determining male obesity is a tailor's centimeter. If the volume of a man's waist approaches 100 cm, it means that it is time to take urgent measures.

Let's get rid of extra pounds


Weight normalization is a complex and long process. It is important not only to lose extra pounds, but also to fix the result for a long time. The first thing to do to normalize a man's weight is to study his lifestyle and determine how "correct" it is. At the same time, you need to pay attention to:

  • Food ration. It is necessary to eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day, reduce the amount of excessively high-calorie food, and refuse "empty" products.
  • Amount of food eaten. Overeating is a habit that causes us to consume much more food than necessary.
  • Physical activity. Moderate physical activity should be daily.
  • Mode of the day. A constant violation of the diet and sleep regime, stressful situations also contribute to the appearance of extra pounds.

If the normalization of nutrition and lifestyle does not give results, it is worth checking the level of testosterone in the man's body.

The following signs can indicate a lack of testosterone in addition to weight gain:

  • irritability, fatigue
  • decrease in sex drive
  • often bad mood, thoughts that "life is already lived"
  • decrease in working capacity

If there are suspicions that the level of testosterone is low, it is necessary to do tests for the content of this substance in the blood. The doctor should look at the test results and develop a strategy for further behavior based on them. Drug therapy may be necessary. As part of such therapy, drugs containing testosterone are often used. But they should be prescribed by a doctor.

Excess weight is a serious problem that must be dealt with. Don't let extra pounds change your life for the worse! Watch your weight and be healthy!



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