Which Foods Will Charge Us With Energy During The Holidays?

Ivan Red Jr. Author: Ivan Red Jr. Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Which Foods Will Charge Us With Energy During The Holidays?

In this article, learn more about Which Foods Will Charge Us With Energy During The Holidays?. Energizing foods, a suitable side dish to the main holiday dishes..

Winter holidays are the most enjoyable time of the year in many ways. The only one who can make claims regarding their easy tolerance is our stomach in view of the rich meals . There is hardly a person who will not succumb to the temptations of a few days of culinary marathon.


And while eating during the holidays is as energizing as it is energy-intensive, it's good to know which foods will provide us with enough energy without creating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach or seriously affecting blood sugar and blood pressure.


It is very important during the marathon holiday meals to combine the traditional heavy winter foods with those that will not overload the stomach and at the same time will maintain the leading vital signs in the norm.


Brown rice

Every holiday table needs a suitable garnish, and brown rice offers a maximum digestive-friendly alternative. Apart from the fact that its preserved shell provides a high content of fiber and B-vitamins, it is also a complete source of manganese - the microelement that maintains the activity of a number of enzymes that support all stages of digestion.



Popular with its high content of key proteins, quinoa also contains high doses of carbohydrates. However, it is one of the few carbohydrate-rich foods that do more good than harm. Quinoa is broken down slowly , and the released sugars enter the blood in small portions and over a long period of time. Each festive table will become more useful if quinoa is included in the main dish or garnish. It will provide a constant source of energy for the whole day, without the risk of serious changes in blood sugar.



Increasingly popular in recent years, chickpea paste , referred to as hummus, is increasingly present on the table in our country. And there is a reason. Hummus is a very valuable source of energy, which is released in stages and is not stored in the form of additional layers in the body's fat depots. Hummus contains high doses of slow carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids, which further slow down their absorption.


Overeating during the holidays is an almost inevitable phenomenon, and who would want to voluntarily deprive themselves of this gastronomic pleasure. As long as you do not overdo it with high- calorie foods and, if possible, replace some of them with ones that break down more slowly and keep you full longer, the festive meals will bring only culinary pleasure, accompanied by a pleasant lightness in the stomach.

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