10 High-fat Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

Victoria Aly Author: Victoria Aly Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
10 High-fat Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight

In this article, learn more about 10 High-fat Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight. 10 high-fat foods that will help you lose weight.

When it comes to weight loss, we all automatically start thinking about how to limit calories. We exclude fatty foods such as avocados, olive oil, nuts, oily fish because we know they contain too much fat and calories. However, there are many foods that, although high in fat, actually help to lose weight by stimulating the burning of body fat.

10 foods high in healthy fats that will help you lose weight

1. Dark chocolate


The stearic acid found in cocoa beans slows down digestion, thus increasing the feeling of satiety. Dark chocolate is recommended instead of milk chocolate, as it contains much more cocoa in it. In addition, dairy has extra sugar and butter, which are processed faster. Take a few pieces of dark chocolate before meals, it will help you lose weight.

2. Olive oil


Olive oil has always been considered a healthy oil because it contains fats that are good for the heart. It also controls glucose levels, blood pressure, cholesterol, but recent studies show that it is also useful in terms of weight loss. American professor of clinical medicine - Dr. Mary Flynn recommends taking 3 tablespoons of olive oil a day to reduce weight, and other studies (of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) go further, claiming that only the aroma of olive oil can help to lose weight.

3. Nuts


Nuts are ideal for a snack, they are filling and we do not need to make an effort to make them edible. They are full of unsaturated fats, proteins and fiber, which reduce hunger and promote weight loss. Don't worry about extra pounds when you eat nuts.

4. Almond tahini


Along with fat, almonds contain other compounds that limit the absorption of fat by the body. So you can safely enjoy almond tahini for breakfast, and remember that diets with a moderate fat content are much more effective than low-fat.

5. Avocado


Here is another natural oil! Avocados are full of monounsaturated fats, fiber and protein. Eat half or a quarter of an avocado every day without worrying about fat and calories.

6. Beef


Excluding red meat is one of the first things we do when we decide it's time to lose weight. However, beef contains a huge amount of omega-3 fatty acids and fewer calories than other red meats. Choose pasture meat, although more expensive, its qualities are much better.

7. Salmon


Salmon contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. This fatty acid is good for the heart and lowers blood pressure.

8. Coconut


Coconut is high in fat, but also helps reduce the circumference of the abdomen. It contains lauric acid, which increases the levels of good cholesterol. People who consume coconut oil have a thinner waist than those who consume soybean oil, although the weight loss of both products is the same.

9. Yogurt


The dairy product consists of proteins, fats, calcium. These elements reduce the feeling of hunger and support proper metabolic function.

10. Cottage cheese (cottage cheese)


Cottage cheese is the second preferred dairy product. It contains 4.3 grams of fat per 100 grams and 98 calories, which is much lower than any other cheese. It also contains a large amount of protein - 11 grams per 100 grams.

Don't worry about including healthy fats in your diet, be wary of foods that are trans fats, such as packaged goods, margarines and refined oils.


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