6 Tricks On How To Limit Eating

Leticia Celentano Author: Leticia Celentano Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
6 Tricks On How To Limit Eating

Do not focus on the quantity, but on the quality of the food you consume. Avoid processed foods and eat foods rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits and grains.

One of the determining factors for success in weight loss is controlling the amount of food consumed.

Sometimes food can act as a drug - you become addicted and need more and more food to satisfy your hunger.

The amount of calories depends on the portion size and type of food. Nutritionists agree that control is important for a healthy diet and keeping weight under control.

A few tricks and tips can be helpful in better managing this process.

Quality is important, not quantity.

Don't focus on quantity, but on the quality of the food you eat. Avoid processed foods and eat foods rich in fiber, vegetables, fruits and cereals. In addition to being healthy, they satisfy hunger for a long time. This way you eat less throughout the day.

Semi-finished products are deprived of useful nutrients, in addition, they stimulate consumption. Therefore - replace chips and sweetened soft drinks with raw vegetables, fruits, whole grain biscuits and low-fat cheese .

Use small dishes and utensils

The general psychology is that the bigger the plate , the more food you can pour into it. The same goes for bowls and cups. Using smaller utensils can help limit calorie intake.

Smaller utensils provide slower feeding, so the taste and aroma are felt for a longer time. Slowing down the pace of eating allows us to realize when we are full.

Focus on the eating process

Do not engage in distractions while having breakfast, lunch or dinner. Watching TV or working with a computer leads to more food intake, experts say. Eat with other family members, relax and enjoy the process. However, focusing on the eating process does not preclude communication . Thus, feeding is done more slowly, in smaller quantities and in a pleasant atmosphere.

Eat regularly

Eating at regular intervals throughout the day is the best way to maintain your metabolism. If you have to wait too long until you feel hungry, you are more likely to literally "pounce" on food later. The ideal diet is to have 3 balanced meals and 2 snacks a day .

Drink enough water

Water keeps you hydrated and helps avoid the danger of overeating . According to experts, to some extent even reduces appetite. Drinking green tea , for example, at least 30 minutes before a meal, helps to reduce appetite. Be careful with other types of drinks such as soda and fruit juices, because some of them contain extra calories and carbohydrates.

Count the calories

Weighing and measuring the foods you eat helps maintain control over the amount of food you eat. Also read the product labels carefully. Keep in mind that liquid foods also contain calories. There is sometimes as much energy in a fruit shake as in 2/3 of chocolate or in a serious morning or lunch menu.


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