Armored Coffee - Does It Really Help To Lose Weight

Mark Velov Author: Mark Velov Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Armored Coffee - Does It Really Help To Lose Weight

In this article, learn more about Armored Coffee - Does It Really Help To Lose Weight. Armored coffee - does it really help you lose weight.

Armored coffee is an absolute hit right now and most celebrities drink it. It is rumored that it is magical for losing extra pounds, but let's see if this is the case, how exactly it affects the body and what we can expect from its consumption.

What exactly is armored coffee?

Armored coffee is a morning drink that increases energy, improves focus and satiety. The original version uses 2 cups of coffee, 2 tablespoons of oil and 2 tablespoons of MCT oil (medium chain triglycerides, which are extracted from palm or coconut oil). If you follow these guidelines, your coffee will contain between 250 and 500 calories, provided you do not use other supplements.

What are MCT oil?


MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) - a type of medium-chain triglyceride - is a type of fat contained in milk, palm and coconut oils.

Proponents believe that MCT is more effective than the long-chain triglycerides found in fatty foods. Due to their structure, MCTs require less degradation time.

Instead of raising your blood sugar, these fats go directly to the liver and give more energy to the body, and the risk of accumulating fats is almost negligible.

Because they are easily digested, they are often prescribed to patients with digestive problems and enzyme deficiencies.

Medium chain triglycerides can also be found in the form of tablets, which are often used by athletes as a safe way to deal with subcutaneous fat.

What is the action of butter?

Grazing animal oil contains 200 calories (coffee itself has no calories). Most of the fat in it is saturated, but fans of the drink prefer to choose more creamy combinations with milk and cream, for example.

This slows down the absorption of the drink and potentially prolongs the effect of caffeine. As for the properties of the oil from grazing animals, it has a higher concentration of omega-3 and some vitamins.

Does it really work?

If it sounds confusing, it's true - one ingredient speeds up absorption, and the other slows down the effect of caffeine, hence the controversy.

In fact, there are still no human studies on the effects of armored coffee, the benefits of which are claimed to be the result of studies done in rats - they show a change in metabolism, thanks to the drink, but what happens in humans body, is not yet known or at least not backed by evidence, and everything is based on the feelings of people consuming the drink.


Does it help you lose weight?

It mostly depends on you, whether and what you eat for breakfast. If you drink armored coffee instead of breakfast or in order to reduce sweet foods, it can help, but if you do not change anything in your diet, but only include armored coffee, do not expect positive results.

The drink can give you a feeling of satiety - eating more calories from sources that are digested more slowly will help you reduce overeating later.

But - there is a big BUT - drinking a lot of fatty drinks does not always have a good effect. In fact, fluid intake can make you hungrier at your next meal, which again relies on the different lifestyles and different bodies we have.

A big problem is the diet you have in general. If you do not limit your intake of harmful foods, the inclusion of armored coffee can have the opposite effect, as you add a large amount of fat to your diet, which, if high in carbohydrates, will lead to weight gain. Not only that, fast foods contain a huge amount of unnecessary unhealthy fats, so if you do not plan a change in the overall diet, then armored coffee is more than unnecessary.

In conclusion , if you like the taste of armored coffee, you can drink it and it will not hurt you, but do not rely only on it when you want to lose weight.


More on the topic:
  • How to lose weight with coffee?
  • Is the coffee diet useful and does you lose weight with it?

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