Erosion Nutrition (epithelial Damage)

Victoria Aly Author: Victoria Aly Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Erosion Nutrition (epithelial Damage)

In this article, learn more about Erosion Nutrition (epithelial Damage). Erosion nutrition (epithelial damage).

Erosion is damage to the upper layer of the epithelium. Depending on the organs involved, the following types are distinguished:

Corneal erosion

Corneal erosion is damage to the integrity of the surface of the epithelial layer of the cornea.

  • The reasons are: the appearance of mechanical damage (trauma) to the eyes (for example, scratching with a fingernail), foreign bodies in them (eyelash, wood particles, sand, dust or other) or chemicals, also improper use of contact lenses, eye burns, growth of eyelashes in the wrong direction (blinking scratches the epithelium of the cornea), corneal dystrophy.
  • In order for the injured cornea to heal faster, it is necessary to consume products rich in vitamin A, as well as those that improve the condition of the eyes (seeds and nuts, sprouted wheat, legumes, orange-yellow berries, fruits and vegetables , fish and all kinds of leafy vegetables).
  • Harmful foods: meat, eggs, alcoholic beverages, excessive amounts of salt, food additives.


Erosion of tooth enamel

  • Damage to tooth enamel, which is not due to the presence of caries (in rare cases, dentin is affected).
  • The reasons: the use of toothbrushes with hard hair, the use of certain types of toothpastes (eg, whitening or mouthwash), consumption of large amounts of citrus, diseases and problems of the endocrine and reproductive systems, magnesium deficiency and ionized calcium in organism.
  • To strengthen tooth enamel in the presence of erosion, it is necessary to consume foods rich in calcium, fluoride, magnesium (contained in cheese, walnuts, cottage cheese, legumes, dairy products, barley porridge and oatmeal, seaweed and fish).
  • Harmful foods: products with high acidity (pickles, maple syrup, citrus fruits, tomatoes, grape juice, pineapple), too hot dishes and drinks, also carbonated liquids, large amounts of sweets.


Erosion of the cervix

  • This disease manifests itself in the appearance of small ulcers on the walls of the cervix.
  • Causes: sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, injuries to the lining of the cervix due to abortion, childbirth or rough intercourse, also weakened immunity, hormonal disorders, menstrual disorders, large number of sexual partners, as well as their frequent change, initiating sexual intercourse at an early age.
Healthy foods
  • It is necessary to provide the body with the necessary amounts of folic acid, vitamins A, E and C, selenium, because in most cases such a deficiency causes a weakening of immunity and hormonal problems in the female body. To obtain the important elements to take: bananas, cabbage, asparagus, lentils, beef liver, citrus fruits, brewer's yeast, green leafy vegetables, walnuts and hazelnuts, vegetable fats, olives, celery, parsnips, seafood, garlic, yellow and orange vegetables.

Do not consume: semi-finished products, fast food, canned food, mayonnaise, food additives, leavening agents, thickeners, colorants. The reason is that they provoke the growth of cancer cells (erosion of the uterus most often grows into a malignant neoplasm in the absence of treatment and improper nutrition).


Erosion of the stomach

  • Gastric erosion is damage to the lining of the organ, although it does not affect the muscle layer. If the problem is not treated, it can contribute to the development of stomach ulcers, colon cancer.
  • The causes: infections affecting the gastric mucosa; consumption of too heavy, spicy and hot food; drugs that destroy the walls of the stomach; stress, chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, malignant neoplasms of the stomach and colon, regular ingestion of chemicals.


Healthy foods:
  • lean meats and fish;
  • dairy products, low-fat sour cream;
  • vegetable oil and butter;
  • hard cheeses / yellow cheeses (skimmed).
  • All dishes must be steamed or boiled. Food intake should be 5-6 times a day.
  • The main dishes on the menu of patients with gastric erosion should be: steamed meatballs, porridge (thick), vegetable and milk soups, boiled vegetables, weak teas, rosehip decoction, boiled eggs.
Unhealthy foods
Do not consume: fried, greasy, spicy, hot, smoked, spicy and canned dishes, also citrus, fruits and vegetables with coarse cellulose (radishes, turnips), citrus, carbonated and alcoholic beverages, highly concentrated broths, muesli, bread with bran, mushrooms, fast food.


More on the topic:
  • Nutrition in leukoplakia

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