Food And Beauty: Vitamins A, B, C, D, E (what Is Affected And How To Get It?)

Mark Velov Author: Mark Velov Time for reading: ~7 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Food And Beauty: Vitamins A, B, C, D, E (what Is Affected And How To Get It?)

Every woman dreams of being beautiful, healthy, with glowing skin, shiny hair and healthy nails. Of course, this is influenced by nutrition, sleep, our mood, love for ourselves and others.

Every woman dreams of being beautiful, healthy, with glowing skin, shiny hair and healthy nails. Of course, this is influenced by nutrition, sleep, our mood, love for ourselves and others.

But still. We can easily get the main vitamins that directly affect our appearance from simple products. To do this, you need to add dishes that contain vitamins A, B, C, D, E to your daily diet. It’s easy to remember them - these are the first 5 letters of the English alphabet. And what are these vitamins, what are they for, what is the daily norm and where they are found, we will tell in the article!

Vitamin A


What is it needed for? Vitamin A is needed for the proper functioning of the immune system and a healthy metabolism, it slows down the aging process, protects the body from the growth of cancer cells, heals skin damage and prolongs its youth. Wrinkles, stretch marks, pimples and burns are all about vitamin A.

What is it and where is it contained? Retinol or vitamin A is a fat-soluble substance (i.e. absorbed only when taken with oil) found in most meat and dairy products. To get it, you need to use egg yolks, cottage cheese, butter, milk, liver, cream, fish or fish oil.

Vegetables and fruits contain beta-carotene or provitamin A, during the processing of which by the liver, retinol is produced directly. These foods include carrots, pumpkins, bananas, cauliflower, apples, parsley, dill, rose hips.

The daily requirement of vitamin A varies by age and gender. Children before adolescence need 0.4-0.6 mg, adolescents - 0.7-2.8 mg. In adult men, the norm is 0.9-3 mg, in women - 0.7-3 mg, but during pregnancy, the need for retinol increases to 1.5-4 mg, and during lactation - up to 1.8-4, 5 mg. For the elderly, the norm is 0.9-3 mg.

In other words, to cover the daily requirement of vitamin A, you need to eat hot from any liver or sweet potato, cook carrot salad, steam broccoli or pumpkin soup, eat sandwiches with cheese and drink cocoa with milk. And add butter everywhere! For a side dish or salad, choose spinach, be sure to eat bell peppers. Everything is simple!

The areas of influence of vitamin A include vision, bones, skin, immune system, regulation of metabolism and menstrual cycles in women, removal of carcinogens from the body. Dryness and burning of the eyes, acne, dandruff, gynecological problems, and growth retardation in children speak of a lack of retinol. Be careful when taking vitamin A tablets and dietary supplements: an excess of vitamin A manifests itself in insomnia, weakness, sweating, hair loss, and pain in the bones and abdomen.

B vitamins


What are they for? They help to cope with stress, emotional stress and depression, strengthen the immune system, participate in the work of muscles, normalize the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Daily rate and where is it contained? A single vitamin B does not exist, a group of substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body has been identified. The most important ones are:

B1 (thiamine), the daily norm is 1.2-1.4 mg. Well-established work of the nervous system, brain, excellent energy metabolism, including the assimilation of amino acids and the transfer of genetic information - this is thiamine. Contained in cereals, cereals, cabbage, bran, carrots, nuts, dried apricots, potatoes, beans, spinach, sprouted grains. B2 (riboflavin), the daily norm is 1.5-3 mg. Required for hematopoiesis, protein synthesis, fat breakdown, regulates the function of vision. Can be obtained from cottage cheese, hard cheeses, liver, kidneys, eggs, almonds, green beans, cabbage, green peas. B3 (nicotinic acid), the daily norm is 5-10 mg. It affects the regulation of sleep and wakefulness, is responsible for a good mental state of a person. It is found in the kidneys, liver, mushrooms, bread, chicken eggs, oatmeal, wheat and corn porridge. B4 (choline), daily value - 0, 5-1 mg (during pregnancy 1-3 mg). It is necessary for the functioning of the brain, the general nervous activity of the body, and the breakdown of lipids by the liver. Found in meat, egg yolks, legumes, bran, cottage cheese and cheese. B5 (pantothenic acid), the daily norm is 10-12 mg (pregnant and lactating 15-20 mg). Needed for the absorption of other vitamins, wound healing, redox reactions in the body, hormone synthesis. Can be obtained from meat, liver, kidney, eggs, buckwheat, legumes, grains and green leafy vegetables. redox reactions in the body, the synthesis of hormones. Can be obtained from meat, liver, kidney, eggs, buckwheat, legumes, grains and green leafy vegetables. redox reactions in the body, the synthesis of hormones. Can be obtained from meat, liver, kidney, eggs, buckwheat, legumes, grains and green leafy vegetables.


B6 (pyridoxine), the daily norm is 2-2.2 mg. Healthy hair, nails and skin are largely due to vitamin B6. This vitamin is required for the secretion of red blood cells, the regulation of body cycles. Found in liver, meat, whole grain bread, legumes, egg yolks. B7 (biotin), the daily norm is 1.3-1.8 mg. It converts calories into energy, is responsible for the health of the hair and the overall tone of the body. Present in legumes, liver, potatoes, wheat flour, onions, mushrooms, apples. B8 (inositol), daily value - 0.5 mg. Required for nourishing the eyes, the absorption of cholesterol, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Contained in nuts, legumes, liver, kidneys, blackberries, citrus fruits. B9 (folic acid), the daily norm is 0.2 mg (in pregnant women 0.3-0.4 mg). It is extremely important for hematopoiesis, protein biosynthesis, development and formation of nerve cells. It is prescribed to all pregnant women! Found in meat, eggs, milk, citrus fruits, cereals, legumes, bananas. B12 (para-aminobenzoic acid), the daily norm is 2-5 mg. Helps reduce cholesterol levels. Necessary for blood formation and absorption of nutrients. Can be obtained from organ meats, soy, seaweed, fish, eggs, milk.

Vitamin C


What is it needed for? Ascorbic acid is perhaps the only vitamin known to everyone. Its importance for the healthy functioning of the immune system is undeniable, but in addition, vitamin C is required for collagen synthesis, and therefore for young, smooth skin with quickly healing scratches and cuts. Ascorbic acid stimulates the elimination of toxins, improves blood circulation, promotes digestion and gum health

Where is it contained? Most vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, berries, green leafy vegetables and potatoes. Eat kiwi, green apples, citrus fruits, cauliflower, parsley, horseradish, dill, eggplant, rose hips, black currants, cranberries, lingonberries. The daily norm of "ascorbic acid" depends on gender and age: 35-50 mg is enough for children, 65-75 mg for teenagers, 70-75 for women, and a man needs at least 90 mg.

Important! Smokers need 2.5 times more vitamin C than others.

Vitamin D


What is it needed for? Vitamin D is an integral part of bone health, its main function is to promote the absorption of calcium and magnesium (this process is impossible without it). Also, recent studies have shown that it has a strong anti-carcinogenic effect. However, an excess of vitamin D leads to a saturation of the blood with calcium, which can cause damage to the vessel or begin thrombosis.

Daily rate and how to get? A person needs only 0.01-0.015 mg of vitamin D per day. It is independently synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight. To do this, people with white skin need for 5 minutes twice a week from 10 am to 3 pm. day to be in the sun with open limbs, dark-skinned people should be in the open sun for at least half an hour.

From food you can get only about 10 percent. daily requirement for vitamin D, so it is better to take supplements during the dark season. You can also use fatty fish, algae, fish oil, chicken eggs, butter, cottage cheese, cheese, chanterelle mushrooms.

Vitamin E


What is it needed for? Vitamin E or tocopherol is, in fact, the main fighter for beauty. An antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells, stimulates the immune system, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Fat-soluble vitamin E is involved in all metabolic processes, improves blood circulation, reduces blood sugar.

Daily rate and where contained. The daily norm is 3-12 mg (infants up to 6 months - 3 mg, infants 7-12 months - 4 mg, children 1-3 years old - 6 mg, children 4-10 years old - 7 mg, men from 11 years old and women during pregnancy - 10 mg, women from 11 years old - 8 mg, women during breastfeeding - 12 mg). Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, seeds, bran, nuts, cabbage, parsley, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, peas, rose hips.

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