How To Lose Weight Without Harming Your Health

Karen Lennox Author: Karen Lennox Time for reading: ~4 minutes Last Updated: October 27, 2022
How To Lose Weight Without Harming Your Health

You can try as much as you like to invent magic pills for weight loss and subtract a certain number of calories from dinner, but the only effective way to quickly lose excess weight without harming your health is a balanced diet, active physical activity and self-control.

Let's be honest with ourselves. You can try as much as you like to invent magic pills for weight loss and subtract a certain number of calories from dinner, but the only effective way to quickly lose excess weight without harming your health is a balanced diet, active physical activity and self-control. If you have no problems with motivation and willpower, you are already halfway to success, all that remains is to learn the basic tips on how to lose weight without harming your body.




The importance of water in the body has been discussed, is being discussed and will continue to be discussed. Not only the condition of the skin depends on the amount of water we drink per day, but also the speed of metabolism, which has a direct impact on excess weight . It is best to drink water constantly throughout the day in small portions, as well as when you feel hungry - to make sure that it is really hunger and not thirst. Needless to say, a glass of water drunk shortly before a meal will allow you to eat less and get full faster.



Sugar is the enemy of weight loss . Yes, banal, but quite real. You should not give up sweets at all, because sugar is still necessary - it quickly raises the level of glucose in the blood, causing a surge of energy. You just need to find the right equivalents for it. For example, replace milk chocolate with dark, ice cream with frozen fruit, and latte with Americano. But it is better to give up packaged juices and sweet carbonated drinks forever. Throw sugar-free gum in the trash, too.



Another quick way to lose weight is to give up salt. In the quantities we are used to (the average person consumes 15 to 20 g of sugar per day, with a norm of 5 g), salt definitely does not help to quickly get rid of excess weight - it retains water in the body. Start giving up salt gradually, for example, replace ready-made salty snacks with homemade carrot sticks with hummus.



Yes, after all, in order to get rid of excess weight , you will have to buy a thick book "1050 dishes for cooking in a steamer". And a steamer as well.



First of all, you will have to say goodbye to your favorite buns, croissants and white bread. But whole grain products should not be excluded from the diet, of course. Dietary fibers, B vitamins and vitamin E, minerals (iron, zinc and selenium), antioxidants, plant estrogens and other useful elements in the composition can justify a piece of such bread for breakfast.


Add pepper

One of the secrets of slimness of Asian women is spicy food. It helps the body burn calories by raising body temperature. And we're not talking about a hot chili sauce that brings tears to your eyes (we're not aiming to turn into a fire-breathing dragon). A small pinch of red pepper from time to time will be enough to speed up the process of losing weight .



This has already been said many times, but according to statistics and personal experience, many people continue to ignore this important rule. Repeat it out loud or hang a poster on the fridge: breakfast is the most important meal for anyone who wants to lose weight . Oatmeal, yogurt with pieces of fruit, hot toasts - choose to your own taste, and the calories you get - burn confidently during the day.



It is still not worth giving dinner to the enemy, as in the popular saying, but it is necessary to think about the number of calories in the dish after 18.00. At night, digestion slows down several times - the stomach cannot cope. You can skip dinner altogether, only if you feel that you have overeaten at dinner. Otherwise, there's a good chance you'll want to run to the fridge at night.


Eat slowly

Chew slowly. Chew slowly. Chew slowly. If you repeat this dietary mantra over and over again, it will soon become a habit. The stomach needs time to send a signal to the brain that it is full and satisfied. In general - 15-20 minutes. During dinner, try to focus on the food and not on the new episode of your favorite series. In this way, you will be able to better control the process itself and enjoy the taste, and not just mindlessly absorb fuel.


physical training

Find a million excuses to limit yourself in any physical activity? done However, the truth is the following: without physical exertion, there is no way to lose weight . The main thing is to approach the matter wisely. You should not overload the body and immediately become a fitness guru. Excess weight may gradually disappear, but the heart will not say thank you. All training should be carefully selected (according to age, health and desired result), like a Chanel dress. Determine the goal, listen to the body, calculate how many classes per week you can easily endure. Make your workouts more intense if your job is sedentary. Don't be lazy. Squats and stretching can be done at home, watching 500 episodes of Game of Thrones.

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