Joint Diseases Require A Lot Of Water

Joe Fowler
Author: Joe Fowler Time for reading: ~6 minutes Last Updated: April 19, 2024
Joint Diseases Require A Lot Of Water

In this article, learn more about Joint Diseases Require A Lot Of Water. on the diet in prevention and secondary prevention of joint diseases..

  what are the most common joint diseases?
Joint diseases are two major groups - degenerative and inflammatory. Degenerative diseases of the joints increase with age in frequency and severity, and in some cases lead to disability. They are more common after the age of 40, but there is a tendency for younger people to suffer from degenerative joint disease. Such is osteoarthritis.
Depending on the location of the arthrosis, it can be: coxarthrosis (of the hip joint), gonarthrosis (of the knee joints) and spondyloarthritis (of the spine). As a result of the inflammatory process in the joints to compensate for changes such as wear and tear of intervertebral discs and articular cartilage, osteophytes are formed. These are the popular "spikes". Their growth in the joint creates chronic pain, permanent severe deformity of the joint and difficulty moving.
The second type of joint disease is due to autoimmune processes. The most common is rheumatoid arthritis, which occurs in young people and even children.
There are also joint problems as complications of the underlying disease - for example, psoriasis develops psoriatic arthritis, gout - gouty arthritis.
 - What is the role of nutrition in joint diseases?
Degenerative joint diseases are definitely associated with unhealthy diet, lack of water and exercise. The main reason for the formation of thorns is the acid reaction of the blood, in which calcium, associated with other chemicals, is the basis on which thorns are built.
Foods that lead to high blood acidity are meat and meat products, milk and dairy products, eggs, sugar, white flour, vinegar and pickles.
 - Does this mean that for the prevention of joint diseases we should avoid these foods?
In case of hereditary predisposition to the development of arthritic disease, meat should be eaten only in small quantities and less frequently. Only lamb, goat and beef are allowed, preferably from domestic animals. These are probably the least risky meats. Skinless chicken can be added to them if it is homemade. Chicken and lamb skin have a lot of cholesterol and are therefore not recommended for consumption.
When there is already a tendency to develop osteophytes, it is best to stop eating meat and dairy products. Hippocrates also wrote that these are diseases associated with the consumption of dairy products. An interesting phenomenon occurs in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. They have many osteophytes, the capsule is calcified and at the same time the bones of the thigh and lower leg are loose as if eaten by moths.
These patients logically ask why these calcium formations did not go to the bones to make them healthy, but went to the joint where they did not belong. I explain that they used the wrong sources of calcium. They have used dairy foods, especially cheese and yellow cheese, which lead to increased acidity, in which calcium compounds go into the joints and cause osteoarthritis.
When calcium comes from a plant source and the blood becomes alkaline, then this calcium goes to its destination in the bones and teeth. Note: the main reason for the formation of thorns are foods that lead to increased acidity of the blood! 
For the prevention of arthritis, it is good to exclude sugar from the menu altogether, because it has only harmful effects on the body. Sweeteners are also unhealthy, such as L-aspartame, which has recently been present in many foods and has a particularly damaging effect on the brain, nervous system as a whole, the eyes and many other organs.
Instead of sugar and synthetic sweeteners it is good to use honey, dried fruits, oshav, dates (in boxes are 100% natural), dark raisins, dried figs and sweet fresh fruits.
For the prevention of joint diseases it is essential to consume enough fluids: first - water, second - herbal teas, and third - fresh, which alkalize the blood. In tea or water we can put a teaspoon of lemon juice, which further alkalizes the blood. Thus, there are no risks of osteophyte formation. 
When there is not enough water in the body, it uses the available water for vital organs - brain, heart, kidneys. Water does not reach the joints and they are the most damaged.
 - What are the most suitable foods for the prevention of joint diseases?
The most alkalizing foods are all fruits and vegetables, especially tuberous vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, chervil (leaves and head), parsley, red beets. Other foods with a strong alkalizing effect are lentils and green beans, almonds from nuts and buckwheat from cereals. Alkalizing drinks are all freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits. My recommendation is to consume them no later than 15 minutes after squeezing, otherwise they oxidize and lose their useful properties. And in the case of vegetables with nitrates during this time, nitrates are converted into nitrites, which are dangerous to health - especially for children.
The diet can include at least once a week all whole grains, whole grains and other legumes that are not very acidic. All these foods provide us with the perfect balance of nutrients, and the blood remains alkaline.
- What is special about nutrition in pre-existing joint disease?
Then we must exclude from our menu all acid-forming foods - and meat, and dairy products, and eggs, pickles, vinegar. Coffee also has an adverse effect on the joints because it is a diuretic - it removes water from the body, which is needed for good lubrication of the joints. When there is enough water in the blood and in the joints, much thicker cartilage is formed.
 - What is the amount of water we should take?
The amount of water required for prevention is calculated on the basis of weight in kilograms multiplied by 30 ml. If we are 70 kg multiplied by 30 ml, this is 2 liters and 100 ml. But when we already have osteoarthritis, it is good to drink half a liter more. This leads to more secretion of intra-articular fluid, cartilage begins to thicken and the movement of joints is facilitated.
Water also helps to gradually melt the osteophytes. But for this to happen, we need to maintain a constant alkaline reaction in the blood, enough fluids and movement. It takes at least half - one hour a day walking, exercises (squats, running on the spot, etc.), folk dances ... All joints must be well moved, which means the implementation of a daily exercise program.
 - What to do when the injury is advanced I move hard?
In these cases, start with an alkalizing diet and the necessary fluids. I had an immobilized patient who had not left her home for months and only got up to go to the toilet. When she began to eat properly and drink fluids, her condition improved within a month. She began to move vigorously around her house and went outside for the first time. Her intra-articular fluid was restored, respectively the dynamics in the joint.
In therapeutic nutrition, first, we start with the correction of food and beverages.
While people are not yet able to move, they should massage the affected joints, as well as perform circular movements of the limbs, as well as forward, backward, left and right. This improves the nutrition of the joint structures, increases the intra-articular fluid and prepares the joint for normal movement. Movement is life.
Alkaline food is leading for the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. In advanced disease, all dairy foods should be eliminated, as well as meat and sugar.
When we have gouty and psoriatic arthritis, the same principles of nutrition lead to the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.

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