Radishes - Health In A Low-calorie Shell

Mark Velov Author: Mark Velov Time for reading: ~0 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Radishes - Health In A Low-calorie Shell

In this article, learn more about Radishes - Health In A Low-calorie Shell. An amount of one cup of radish contains only 19 calories..

The health benefits that radishes bring are not known since yesterday. They have been used as a food product and also as a medicine since the Roman Empire. Vegetables are extremely low in calories , fat-free, and also have a low glycemic load. 
Radishes are rich in fiber , vitamin C, folic acid , potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, B vitamins. A cup of radishes contains only 19 calories - just can not go wrong if the vegetables are added to which and be a dish. 
Researchers at Jawaharlal Nehru Technical University in India have found that radishes kill cancer cells in the body. Other studies have also found that their consumption helps fight cancer .
They are rich in isothiocyanates and anthocyanins. The fiber content makes radishes a good way to maintain colon health. 
For people who suffer from chronic bronchial attacks or asthma, radishes have the action of a natural decongestant. 
The abundance of fiber, minerals and vitamins in radishes makes them extremely suitable for maintaining cardiovascular health. Studies show that they help lower cholesterol levels , regulate diabetes , blood pressure levels and blood sugar.

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