Why Do We Follow Diets For Weight Loss And Gain Weight

Alexander Bruni
Author: Alexander Bruni Time for reading: ~3 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Why Do We Follow Diets For Weight Loss And Gain Weight

Weight gain while dieting is a fairly common phenomenon, the reasons for which are usually the same. There are diseases in which body weight begins to

Gaining extra pounds while following a diet is a fairly common phenomenon, the reasons for which are usually the same.

There are diseases in which the body weight begins to increase, despite all the tricks that are used to prevent this from happening. The fact is related to impaired metabolism . For most pounds helps and malfunction of the thyroid gland - appetite in this case decreases, but patients often suffer from obesity. Such diseases have other symptoms besides gaining weight - digestive disorders, edema, change in appearance. If you are constantly gaining weight, even though you are on a diet, and you do not feel well, see a doctor.

The insidious fruits

Unfortunately, not all diets can be called balanced, including fruit. Therefore, those who have decided to lose weight and have switched from a regular diet to fruit only, often gain weight. Consuming a large amount of fruit increases appetite, dulling the feeling of satiety, and as a result you eat more than you planned. Insulin is not needed for the breakdown of fructose, smaller amounts of leptin are produced when it enters the body, namely leptin is responsible for making you feel full. Fructose is no less caloric than glucose, but the former is converted in the body into acetyl - coenzyme A, which is involved in fat synthesis. Particularly dangerous in this case are the juices, including freshly squeezed, with which it is almost impossible to satisfy hunger,

In addition, fruit diets are low in protein, the insufficient amount of which leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and as a consequence - the deposition of fat. That's why a balanced diet is so important. Basic meals should not be replaced by fruits, which, however, will come in handy if you eat them in between.

Closed circle

The diet is accepted by the body as an emergency situation - the sudden cessation of nutrient intake is a kind of shock to the metabolism. The defense mechanisms that cause the body to slow down the metabolism and save energy are included. The stricter the diet, the faster the alarm goes off - the fat stores that need to decrease start to increase. Prolonged exposure to a diet for weight loss, which reduces calories to 1500 kcal or less, is problematic because immediately after returning to a normal diet, weight begins to increase, even without the consumption of pasta and sweets , and only with a slight increase in calories. At the same time, the metabolism will not be able to speed up, especially in middle-aged people.

Short diets based on lettuce and mineral water allow you to lose weight for the upcoming holiday and help you put on your new dress, but after a few days the lost weight returns. Often in such cases, people think that the diet has not worked and turn to a new, even harsher. The effect of the vicious circle appears - the diet saves you from 2-3 kilograms, but after the end of its observance the weight increases a lot - the organism activates the mechanism for accumulation of nutrients in anticipation of a new fast.

There is another no less important fact - when you follow a diet, some of the excess weight is lost at the expense of muscle mass. Restoring body fat is easier than regaining muscle, so more fat accumulates than it used to.

Let's lose weight properly

What can we do to prevent weight loss diets from gaining weight?

  • First of all, take your time. Few people enjoy rapid weight loss, which persists for many years after stopping the diet. Arm yourself with patience and lose weight gradually, allowing your body to adapt.
  • Choose the most balanced diet that you can stick to throughout your life.
  • When you achieve the desired results, you can afford some pleasures, but to lose weight for two weeks and then return to your usual diet, forgetting about your weight, is simply impossible.
  • There are gentle diets designed specifically for gradual weight loss - such weight loss systems put minimal strain on the body and lead to gentle regulation of metabolism.
  • If you do choose fast ways to lose weight, switch to your usual diet not immediately after stopping the diet, but gradually - for a few days or even a week. Make sure that your diet, after the end of the diet, is less caloric and energy consumption increases due to exercise.

Be healthy and beautiful!

More on the topic:
  • Cocoa before sleep prevents weight gain

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