12 Sugar-lowering Foods

Karen Lennox Author: Karen Lennox Time for reading: ~4 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
12 Sugar-lowering Foods

Everyone needs to monitor their blood glucose levels. And first of all, we are talking about people with diabetes.

Everyone needs to monitor their blood glucose levels. And first of all, we are talking about people with diabetes. In addition to the drugs offered in great abundance by modern pharmacology, it will be useful to know about products that reduce blood sugar levels. If you eat them regularly, you can help yourself to maintain health.

1. Oatmeal


Everyone or almost everyone has heard about the benefits of oats. This is a dietary product that has long been considered an ideal breakfast. Oatmeal is also high in soluble fiber. It is she who helps to reduce the level of glucose in the blood.

2. Nuts


This is a very useful product. All types of nuts are considered not only a recognized delicacy, which is often added to salads, cereals and desserts, but also an excellent snack. Those who try to eat in a healthy mode and not overeat, between the main meals, feast on peanuts, walnuts or cashews.

And there is a special protein in nuts that slows down the process of absorption and entry into the blood of sugar, so for those who keep glucose under control, this product is indispensable.

3. Cinnamon


Cinnamon is prized for its sweet, spicy flavor. Recent studies by scientists have proven that it helps to concentrate and increase mental abilities. Not everyone knows that it also lowers blood sugar levels. It contains fiber and specific components - polyphenols, as well as magnesium. These three substances reduce the absorption of glucose by the body and, consequently, its absorption into the blood. Moreover, you do not need to eat spice in kilograms, 1 teaspoon per day is enough.

4. Avocado


This fruit is often put in salads, it is nutritious and satisfying. It is believed that it increases the body's defenses - its immunity. Avocados also reduce blood glucose levels due to the presence of the same fiber, iron, magnesium, protein and folic acid. It has a rare component - monosaturated fats. They also contribute to the beneficial cause of lowering blood sugar levels.

5. Sweet pepper


Red-colored vegetables are especially preferred. If you eat Bulgarian pepper regularly, you can not only saturate the body with vitamin C, but also help it fight inflammation. Especially important is that red bell pepper helps keep blood glucose levels under control.

6. Millet


Some people like to eat millet porridge with butter and salt, others pour it with milk and add sugar. In any case, the benefits of this well-known grain crop can hardly be overestimated. Scientific studies have shown that just one plate of such a simple dish, eaten daily, reduces the risk of diabetes by 25-30%.

7. Fish


Some people love fish and all the variety of dishes from it, others treat this product more or less calmly. But, if you want to eat a balanced diet, and also control blood sugar levels, then you can’t do without it. Fish should be eaten regularly - about twice a week. Doctors have proven that this will reduce the risk of diabetes by 25%. It is only desirable to prefer boiled, steamed or baked in the oven to fried fish. There are many recipes for cooking fish dishes in the microwave and slow cooker, so choosing the most suitable option for yourself will not be so difficult.

8. Broccoli


Only the lazy have not heard about the benefits of broccoli. It is rich in polyphenols, which suppress inflammation in the body. Moreover, we are talking about both newly formed and chronic ones that have passed into a sluggish stage. Such processes weaken the body and are excellent soil for the development of diabetes. But by regularly eating broccoli, you can protect yourself from such a nuisance.

9. Legumes


In addition to the well-known peas, legumes include chickpeas, lentils and beans. It has been scientifically proven that all legumes, and especially white beans, have a specific protein that slows down the process of sugar absorption and prevents its absorption into the blood. If you eat legumes at least every other day, you can reduce the risk of developing diabetes by 47% - a fact proven by science.

10. Strawberry


Strawberries are rich in vitamin C and substances that keep glucose under control. But we are only talking about seasonal berries that grow in the area where a person lives. Imported and processed strawberries to increase the shelf life are unlikely to be very useful.

11. Jerusalem artichoke


It is also called "ground pear". Jerusalem artichoke is rich in insulin and fructose. It helps the body get rid of toxins by starting the natural cleansing processes. It also lowers blood sugar levels. At the same time, for such an effect, it is enough to consume one vegetable per day, but in its raw form. For example, you can make excellent salads with Jerusalem artichoke - it is not only tasty, but also healthy.

12. Garlic


Garlic stimulates the pancreas. As you know, it is she who is responsible for the production of insulin. In addition, it is rich in antioxidants that strengthen the body. Garlic contains substances that actively fight inflammation and activate the immune system. In general, the benefits of garlic are enormous!


Among the products that lower blood sugar levels, one can also include pomegranate, seaweed, spinach, white and red cabbage, and some others. 

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