Alabash - Protects Against Flu And Prostate Cancer

Dean Rouseberg Author: Dean Rouseberg Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Alabash - Protects Against Flu And Prostate Cancer

What does "German" radish charge us with and how does it affect the immune system?

Alabash, also called "German radish", is a garden vegetable belonging to the family of broccoli, cauliflower, curly, and usually Brussels sprouts. It is also grown in Bulgaria and can be eaten raw, canned or cooked .
Growing in a more temperate and cool climate, the plant is characterized by its deep green leaves, which are also edible and rich in vitamins. In taste and texture, alabash itself is close to that of broccoli, but is significantly sweeter and tender. In its freshest condition and without heat treatment, it is slightly crunchy and juicy like an apple, but not as sweet.
An average head weighs about 100-150 g. One hundred grams of alabash contains 27 calories or only 1.07% of the Indicative Daily Intake (RDA) of 2500 kcal.
Another 36% of ODP for fiber, 14% copper, 11% iron, 9% magnesium, manganese and phosphorus and 12% vitamin B 6 are available .
However, alabaster impresses with the presence of another vitamin: the same 100 g contains 62 mg of ascorbic acid , known as vitamin C , which represents an impressive 102% of the ODP. 
Cells of the immune system defending the body, are particularly dependent on the vitamin C . It is contained in each of them and supports their functions, but in infectious diseases it depletes very quickly. Science still cannot fully explain all the interactions, but it has been proven that at low vitamin levels, the immune system weakens dramatically. Phagocytes undergo severe dysregulation, cytokines act much more slowly, and the ability of lymphocytes to recognize damaged or infected cells suffers most.
Therefore, 100 g of raw grated alabash, added to the salad, is one of the most useful food combinations for the cold months. 
Satisfying the daily needs of vitamin C for the body is not the only benefit that vegetables bring. As a member of the cruciferous family, alabaster contains healthy phytochemicals such as isothiocyanates , sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol - compounds that scientists say increase the natural defenses against the development of prostate and colorectal cancer.
The leaves of the plant are also edible and rich in vitamin A and carotene for healthy skin and vision , as well as vitamin K - which strengthens the blood and is vital for good liver function and absorption of calcium by the body.
Alabash should only be avoided by people suffering from thyroid disease. The phytochemical group goitrogens can cause inflammation of the gland, even in small amounts.

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