How To Cook How To Keep Cookies Soft - Recipe

Leticia Celentano Author: Leticia Celentano Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
How To Cook How To Keep Cookies Soft - Recipe

In this article, learn more about How To Cook How To Keep Cookies Soft - Recipe. Learn how to cook "How to keep cookies soft". Delicious recipe..

If you often make different cookies, you have probably encountered the problem that they become hard and crumbly, which inevitably spoils the pleasure.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to regain their softness. 

Why do biscuits become hard?

Like all treats, biscuits are not something that is eaten immediately after preparation. Over time, the moisture in them evaporates and they become hard and crumbly. This also happens with bread, cakes and other pastries.

To save all this, it is best to eat them on the day of preparation. If you are worried that there will be too much, you can freeze the rest of the dough and use it just before eating.

But if you already have a lot of hard cookies, here's what to do.

Keep them in a tightly closed container

The key to keeping cookies soft is to keep them in a completely closed container. And to restore their moisture, put a slice of bread next to them.

You probably think that biscuits absorb moisture from bread, but in fact it does not, it increases the level of humidity in the dish, which is the reason why cookies do not lose theirs.

Another option is to use tortilla cakes. They work the same way, but they have their advantage because they are flat, so you can arrange a row of cookies and put the tortilla on top.

Tips for making cookies

Here are some tips you can use the next time you make cookies so that you keep them soft instead of hard and crumbly.

  • Use brown sugar instead of white. If you do not mind that their color will become dark, it is better to use brown sugar, it is much wetter, alternatively you can put 1 tablespoon of molasses to the dough.
  • Use bread flour - the specificity of this flour is that it absorbs more liquid and contains more gluten, all things that make the dough more elastic. But don't be fooled that more gluten-free flour needs more kneading. This applies to other pastries, in the case of cookies it is enough to combine all products together.
  • Use melted butter. The reason is that the creamy butter introduces more air into the cookies, which releases moisture again. Therefore, use liquid oil.
  • Change the amount of eggs - if you make cookies with melted butter and the recipe requires two whole eggs, try using one whole egg and one yolk. Instead of the second protein, put 2 tablespoons of milk. On the other hand, if you use oil at room temperature, use only egg whites, no yolks.
More on the topic:
  • Cream dessert with mascarpone and cookies in chocolate
  • Oatmeal cookies with pieces of chocolate
  • Homemade oreo cookies
  • Cinnamon biscuits without sugar with oatmeal

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