How To Cook Tanya Beiriyska - The Woman Who Defeated The Incurable Disease Multiple Sclerosis With A Method Based On The Ketone Diet - Recipe

Joe Fowler
Author: Joe Fowler Time for reading: ~6 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
How To Cook Tanya Beiriyska - The Woman Who Defeated The Incurable Disease Multiple Sclerosis With A Method Based On The Ketone Diet - Recipe

Learn how to cook "Tanya Beiriyska - the woman who overcame the incurable disease Multiple sclerosis with a method based on the ketone diet". Delicious recipe.

We present to you a truly combative woman who went through extremely great difficulties in life and still managed to win. No one can take a severe diagnosis lightly, but some people do not give up and find a way to cope. Remember that everything that limits us is only in our consciousness. Meet Tanya Beiriyska - the woman who knocked out multiple sclerosis.

Tell us about yourself, what do you do, what are your hobbies?

I am 37 years old. Married, with two children - fraternal twins at 1 year and 9 months. At the moment, I try to combine the care of the twins, the daily numerous contacts with the people who sought help and advice regarding my method and the activities of my foundation.

How did you find out about your illness? What were the first symptoms you noticed?

In the summer of my 28th year, after several painful attacks, I lost sensitivity and control over the right half of my body, and my eyesight deteriorated greatly. After a series of tests and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), doctors were adamant - Multiple Sclerosis (MS)!

What was the doctors' prognosis for your illness?

The established lesions in my brain were unusually large for such an early stage of the disease, which led to the prognosis that I have between two and five years of conscious life to spend IN PAIN, and then a vegetative state similar to "vegetables" awaits me…

When did you decide to look for an alternative treatment?

Hoping for something better, terrified and sick, I went to Switzerland with my first husband, the Englishman Malcolm. A new series of tests and a new MRI followed. Alas, her diagnosis and terrible details were confirmed. Even more depressing was the fact that my prescribed medication was neither better nor different from that in Bulgaria - inter- and / or betaferons, plus shock doses of corticosteroids - only the trade names of the drugs are different.

I was adamant that this would not be my life and it would not be like that! I started gathering all kinds of information and reading. I started with textbooks on biology and physiology of the human body. I went through a lot until I discovered the works of Prof. Otto Warburg, the books of Dr. Brian Peskin, and the publications of the pathologist Dr. Joel Wallock.

Why did you choose the ketone diet? In what health problems is it useful?

I have repeatedly said and emphasized that my method "The key to longevity" is not a cure! I will say it again - the only thing that happens is that when applied, it provokes processes of over-regeneration in the body, thus providing the means and opportunities for our body to heal itself! That is, it is again given the opportunity to work as the perfect biochemical machine - as it is when it is healthy.

My method consists of three components: a ketogenic diet + a strict diet, with elements of starvation treatment + taking a complex of special nutritional supplements to balance the effect of the first two and ensure their results.

In fact, in the last two or three years, and especially in the last few months, the "list" of diseases that people who use my method suffer from has become quite diverse. I will try to summarize on some general basis only those in which there are definite improvements in the health of people, without explicitly listing them. These are diseases in which, for some reason, processes of degeneration, degeneration or even death of various types of cells in the body (muscle cells, myelin cells, blood cells, connective tissue cells, brain cells, etc.) have started. Processes accompanied and / or followed by the "madness" of the immune system, in which it begins to attack our own body and / or associated with metabolic disorders. Understandably,

How did the change in diet affect your condition?

In just one month, my health changed dramatically for the better, and I voluntarily and completely stopped taking any medication, which of course I informed my doctor in Switzerland. The results of the tests performed at my insistence only confirmed the visible - the symptoms of the disease were controlled, I was in remission, I looked wonderful and I was recovering more and more!

What is your condition to date and how is your life developing now?

At the end of 2017, I did research and a new MRI. All the results are unambiguous - I am in definite remission and excellent condition, and there is even recovery from the damage caused to me by the disease! Encouraged by what is happening and receiving the support of more and more people, with the help of friends and entirely with their own funds, in early January 2018 I established my foundation - Tanya Beiriyska Foundation.

My life at the moment is quite intense. I feel good, I am full of energy and enthusiasm for what I do for the people who sought my help.


Tell us more about your books, how the idea for them was born and what we will find in them?

In my first book - "Knockout for MS (multiple sclerosis)", I describe my life in the last few years of relentless struggle - of struggle, but also of victory over a disease that according to modern medicine is incurable. A life-struggle, intertwined with fateful personal moments - happiness, love, faith, support, disappointments, tears, breakdowns and very difficult events.

Only the countless questions of many of my acquaintances and strangers motivated me to tell this particular part of my struggle with the changes in my lifestyle and diet that led to unconditional progress and recovery. Of course, I was provoked, and I took into account the theoretical and scientific research of many scientists from around the world.

My second book, The Method, is the natural sequel to Knockout for MS (Multiple Sclerosis), as the questions raised by the first became more and more concerned with the method itself and food. In it, I examine in detail the description and justification of all aspects of my Key to Longevity method, trying to propose an example scheme for its application. I also share many different cooking recipes that I myself use to this day, as well as the Nutrition Pyramid I created, which gives a clear example of which foods are useful and which are prohibited in multiple sclerosis and other degenerative diseases.

What advice can you give to people who are ready to change their diet?

I do not give unsolicited advice! But I want to emphasize the following particularly important things:

1. My "Key to Longevity" method is not just a diet! In addition to my version of ketogenic, it includes two other very important and inseparable components, namely - a strict diet with elements of starvation and intake of a complex of special nutritional supplements. Only with the diet and without the other components I can not commit that the desired result of improvement in health, recovery or simply maintaining good physical shape will be achieved!

2. My method "The key to longevity" is by no means a PANACEA that always helps with any health problems! It is not like that, I have no such claims and even at the beginning of my book "The Method" I point out the cases in which it cannot be applied or should be applied with special care and under medical supervision.

3. I am NOT a doctor and my method "The key to longevity" is NOT any treatment! The only thing that happens with its application is to provoke the super-regenerative abilities of our own body, by giving our body all the means it needs to heal itself!


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