Main Products For May: Duck, Roach, Vegetables And Greens

Ivan Red Jr. Author: Ivan Red Jr. Time for reading: ~5 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Main Products For May: Duck, Roach, Vegetables And Greens

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Let's go to the market or shop for fresh May products! Actual products for May: duck, roach, radish, rhubarb, nettle, sorrel, dandelions, fresh herbs.

Let's go to the market or shop for fresh May products! Actual products for May: duck, roach, radish, rhubarb, nettle, sorrel, dandelions, fresh herbs. We buy only fresh, cook and enjoy!



Duck meat is distinguished by its tenderness and juiciness, which is why it is so popular in cooking at all times of the year. Duck is prepared both as an independent dish and as one of the ingredients. We advise you to choose the meat of a young duck, as it is the most tender and cooks many times faster. Duck contains a large amount of proteins, saturated fatty acids: Omega-3 and Omega-6, vitamins: E, A, PP and B, minerals. Interesting: despite the fact that duck meat is considered quite fatty, it contains less “bad” cholesterol than pork. Bake, stew, fry, add duck to soups and you will get a light but satisfying dish!

Marinate duck in orange juice, syrup and spices. Then stuff with oranges and apples, place in a sleeve and bake in the oven for 2 hours. Incredible tender and fragrant duck is ready! Step by step recipe for duck with apples and oranges >>>  



This fish from the carp family is more of a passing catch for fishermen all year round. The most delicious roach is freshly caught, so you are unlikely to find it in the supermarket. Roach is considered a dietary product (only 88 kilocalories per 100 grams). In addition, roach is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins: D, E and B, trace elements: phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium and others. Interesting: in terms of digestibility and assimilation by the human body, roach is superior to beef. Often roach is fried or baked.

Wrap the roach with rosemary sprigs and lemon juice in foil and bake for 20-25 minutes. Everyone will appreciate this fish! See how to bake roach in the oven >>>



Spring radish is just a storehouse of useful vitamins! It is in May that the radish season begins. Radishes are a source of plant-based protein, beneficial sugars, enzymes, fiber, and fats. Did you know that radish has a bitter taste due to the presence of mustard oil in the composition? In addition to the fruit, you can use radish tops, adding it to salads, soups, and garnish. And the radish itself is most often found in vegetable salads and cold soups.

Prepare some crumbs! Pour radishes, cucumbers, potatoes, eggs, sausages and fresh herbs with mineral water or kvass with sour cream and try. Step-by-step recipe for making okroshka with sausage >>>



Interestingly, rhubarb is a vegetable, but cooked like a fruit, with added sugar. It is important to note that the root and leaves of rhubarb are poisonous, which means that only the stems can be eaten, usually with a small amount of sugar, as the petioles have a delicate sour taste. Rhubarb is rich in malic and citric acids, carbohydrates, vitamins: C, B, PP, carotene, pectin. Rhubarb is usually added to compotes, desserts and pastries. They are also eaten by dipping a juicy sour petiole in sugar or honey.

We offer to cook a favorite dessert with rhubarb - cookies! Wrap a piece of rhubarb in the shortcrust pastry. Dip the workpiece in beaten egg white, then roll in brown sugar and bake for 20-25 minutes. Happy tea! See how to make rhubarb cookies >>>



Nettle is one of the most valuable young plants in the spring. Ask why? Due to the content of vitamins A, K, E, B and trace elements. Nettle is twice as rich in ascorbic acid as lemon, and it also contains more carotene than carrots or sea buckthorn. This seemingly weed plant contains flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, chlorophyll and other elements vital for the body. In cooking, nettle is added to soups, salads, pies. Enrich your body with useful substances by adding nettle to your dishes!

To prepare a salad with nettles, combine eggs, cabbage, cucumber, nettles in a deep bowl and season with mayonnaise or sour cream. Step-by-step recipe for nettle salad with egg and cucumber >>>



For many years, sorrel was considered a common weed and no one betrayed its benefits. In fact, sorrel, especially young (spring), is a valuable plant. It is rich in vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, iodine, iron and manganese. It has been proven that sorrel is best eaten raw rather than cooked. Therefore, cook more often fresh salads with the addition of sorrel. And also do not refuse sorrel soups and pies.

Make sorrel soup! Add potatoes, fried onions, carrots and dried bell peppers, as well as sorrel and herbs to the chicken broth. See how to cook sorrel soup with chicken broth >>>



Dandelions are popular again. The reason for this is a wonderful composition. Dandelions contain carotenoids, volatile oils, inulin, tannins, rubber, vitamins A, B1, B2, C, as well as trace elements. In cooking, both flowers and dandelion leaves and roots are used. Usually dandelions are added to salads, soups, teas, desserts, jam (similar to honey both in appearance and taste) and syrups. You can even make coffee from roasted dandelion roots.

Make delicious dandelion jam! Add dandelion petals to sugar syrup and cook for 20 minutes after boiling. Strain the cooled jam and cook until thickened. Pour the finished jam into jars and try! Step-by-step recipe for making dandelion jam >>>

fresh greens


A rare person will pass by fresh greenery in winter, let alone spring, when everything begins to grow and bloom! After all, it not only decorates the dish, but also gives an incredible aroma and taste. Mint, which makes a delicious tea and refreshing sauce, green onions, which make a great addition to vegetable salads and soups, and dill, which seems to go well with all dishes except sweet ones.

Classic! Finely chop the green onion, sprinkle with salt, season with sour cream and serve with meat or fried potatoes. You can also add dill, cucumber, tomato, radish.

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