Maslenitsa: Cheese Week Traditions And The Best Pancake Recipes

Maryam Ayres Author: Maryam Ayres Time for reading: ~4 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Maslenitsa: Cheese Week Traditions And The Best Pancake Recipes

Maslenitsa is perhaps one of the most striking examples of the fusion of two cultures - paganism and Christianity

Maslenitsa is perhaps one of the most striking examples of the fusion of two cultures - paganism and Christianity. In the pre-Christian period in Russia, they celebrated the beginning of the new year, met spring with noisy festivities and eating pea cakes (“koms”). Among the traditional rites was also the burning of an effigy - a rite-harbinger of the approach of heat and a sacrifice to the gods.


With the advent of Christianity, this custom was timed to coincide with the last week before Lent. Pea pancakes were replaced by well-known pancakes, as a symbol of the sun. The element of sacrifice has been replaced by a mock ritual with a straw man. The celebration of spring was replaced by preparation for fasting. But one thing has remained unchanged - mass festivities, fun and preserved traditions.

The festive week, according to the church norm, was called the “cheese week”. Each day has not only its own name, but also special rituals.

The first, Monday, is called a "meeting." On this day, it was customary to begin preparations for the festivities. They built a scarecrow, dressed it and installed it in the center of the village. Often, a pancake was “given” into the hands. They built ice slides for mass skating. They visited each other and discussed plans for the holidays, and they also started baking pancakes.


"Tricks" were on Tuesday. With the slides built and the pancakes baked, it's time for the fun to begin. On this day, young people organized noisy booths, masquerades, and sleigh rides. All this was also accompanied by invitations to visit.

Wednesday was called "gourmet". This day was spent at the table, laying it richly. Among the treats were not only pancakes, but also fish, cottage cheese, eggs. In the Christian period, in this way people prepared themselves for fasting, trying to eat foods that would later be banned. In some regions, it was a tradition to visit the wife's family on Wednesday. The mother-in-law prepared special pancakes for the son-in-law on this day. Food and hot tea were sold on the streets.

Thursday was the beginning of the "broad revelry." This day was mostly spent on the street, riding the hills, having fun, singing songs. They arranged fisticuffs, rode decorated horses, caroled. Noisy company and hearty treats are an integral part of Thursday.


The return trip to visit, now the mother-in-law to the son-in-law, was called "mother-in-law evenings" and fell on Friday. According to tradition, it was necessary not only to invite the mother of the wife to your house, but also to invite and persuade in every possible way. This showed the respect of the young family for their parents. Pancakes, again, were the main treat on the table.

Continuing family meetings, on Saturday they arranged “sister-in-law gatherings”. Now it's the daughter-in-law's turn to respect her husband's sister. In addition to treats, it was customary to present gifts on this day.

The final day of the holiday week - "seeing off". Like all good things, Maslenitsa ended. The most important custom on Sunday was the burning of an effigy. They saw off the winter and met the spring, hoping for an early arrival of warmth and a good harvest. With the help of large fires, they tried to melt the hills, thereby driving away the winter.

According to church tradition, this day is called Forgiveness Sunday. People ask each other for forgiveness for offenses, repent. Physically and spiritually, this day is a preparation for the upcoming fast.

And now we share recipes for delicious pancakes!

Thin pancakes on curdled milk


Incredibly tender and airy pancakes will win you over with their taste.


Yogurt - 1 glass; Flour - 1 cup; Sugar - 50 g; Salt - 1 tsp; Soda - 1 tsp; Egg - 2 pcs.; Vegetable oil - 50 ml.


To prepare the dough, beat eggs, yogurt, salt, sugar and soda in a deep bowl. Add sifted flour and vegetable oil.


Pour the finished dough into a hot frying pan and fry thin pancakes until golden brown.

Air pancakes on sour cream


Sour cream and whipped squirrels are the key to incredibly lush and delicious pancakes.

We will need: Egg - 2-3 pieces; Sour cream - 200 g; Flour - 1 cup; Salt - 1 pinch; Sugar - 50 g; Vegetable oil - 50 ml.


To begin, carefully separate the whites and beat them with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks.


Rub the yolks with sugar and sour cream, add flour and vegetable oil. At the end, put the egg whites into the dough and mix gently. Fry pancakes in a well-heated pan until golden brown.

Yeast pancakes on boiling water


If you want to make fluffy pancakes, this recipe is for you.


Water - 1 glass; Milk - 1 glass; Flour - 2 cups (approximately); Yeast - 1 tsp; Salt - 1 pinch; Sugar - 5 tsp; Vegetable oil - 4 tsp; Eggs - 1-2 pcs.


First, combine warm milk with sugar and yeast. Add eggs, salt, beat until smooth. At the end, add the sifted flour and mix. Leave the finished dough for half an hour in a warm place.


After pour boiling water, mix and add vegetable oil. Fry the pancakes until a beautiful color over medium heat.

Delicious and fun Maslenitsa!

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