Nutrition For Pregnant And Lactating Women

Victoria Aly Author: Victoria Aly Time for reading: ~10 minutes Last Updated: September 12, 2022
Nutrition for pregnant and lactating women

In the first half of pregnancy, when the fetus is still small, the nutrition of the expectant mother does not require any special changes.


Rational nutrition, along with other factors (correct regimen, labor protection, elimination of stressful situations, etc.) is one of the main conditions for a favorable course and outcome of pregnancy, proper development of the fetus and the birth of a healthy child.

In the first half of pregnancy, when the fetus is still small, the nutrition of the expectant mother does not require any special changes. In the second half of pregnancy, a woman's need for nutrients is increased, due to the vigorous growth of the fetus. So, if in the middle of pregnancy the length of the fetus is 24 - 26 cm and the body weight is 280 - 300 grams, then by the time of delivery, its length increases to an average of 50 cm and body weight - more than 10 times (up to 3200 - 3500 grams .).

It has been established that, starting from the 17th week of pregnancy, out of every 3 gr. protein received by a woman with food, about 1 gr. spent on fetal growth. From this it becomes clear how important nutrition during pregnancy is.

Unfortunately, there is still often an opinion that the child will receive all the necessary nutrients from the mother's body, regardless of the quality of her nutrition. This is far from true. Another opinion is also incorrect - the idea that a pregnant woman should receive excess nutrition, "eat for two." Nutrition of a pregnant woman should be not so much plentiful as complete.

First of all, a pregnant woman should be provided with a sufficient amount of protein, which goes to build the organs and tissues of the fetus. According to the recommendations of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the need of a pregnant woman (period of 5 - 9 months) in protein is 100 g / day, which is 30% higher than the need of a healthy woman of childbearing age. It is also envisaged to increase the proportion of protein of animal origin, which in the diet of a pregnant woman should be 60% of the total amount of protein.

The energy requirement of pregnant women increases to 2900 kcal, which is 400 kcal higher than that of healthy women of childbearing age (2500 kcal per day). The need for calcium almost doubles. It is 1500 mg per day.


Much attention in the recommendations of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is given to providing the body of a pregnant woman with a sufficient amount of vitamins. The need for vitamins during pregnancy increases significantly; the need for ascorbic acid, vitamin A and folacin is especially high.

Recommended daily intake of vitamins for women of childbearing age and during pregnancy:

To provide a pregnant woman with the necessary amount of nutrients and energy, her diet should be varied, balanced, containing biologically valuable products.

First of all, in the diet of a pregnant woman, it is necessary to include products containing complete proteins of animal origin - milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, eggs, etc. From fats, butter is used, as well as various vegetable oils. Refractory and less complete fats (mutton, beef and lard) should be limited. The carbohydrate component of the diet should be represented by a wide range of vegetables and fruits, which are also very important as sources of vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements.

The need for protein during pregnancy is at least 1.5 grams. per 1 kg of body weight of a woman per day, with increased physical activity, the amount of protein should be increased to 2 g / kg of body weight. In the second half of pregnancy, the need for protein increases and amounts to 2 g/kg of body weight. Thus, during pregnancy, a woman should receive an average of 100 grams. protein per day.

The need for fats is also about 100 gr. per day, and 15 - 20% of the total fat should be vegetable oils as a source of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the full course of metabolic processes and the proper development of the fetus.

The need for carbohydrates in the first half of pregnancy is about 450 grams. per day, in the second half of pregnancy, their consumption should be reduced to 300 - 400 gr., mainly due to sugar and confectionery.

Table salt, especially in the last 2 months. pregnancy, limited to 5 gr. per day.

In the second half of pregnancy, meat and fish broths should be avoided, replacing them with vegetable and milk soups. Meat and fish are best consumed boiled rather than fried.



Given that in recent years there has been a noticeable increase in the number of allergic diseases among children, a pregnant woman is advised to limit the intake of foods that cause allergies (chocolate, cocoa, nuts, citrus fruits, coffee, mushrooms).

It should be emphasized that during the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is strictly prohibited from drinking any alcoholic beverages, including beer, since even small doses of alcohol have an extremely negative effect on the development of the fetus, causing damage to its central nervous system. Smoking is also not allowed. The negative effect of nicotine can manifest itself in prematurity, the birth of small children.

A healthy pregnant woman can eat her usual food in the usual amount, making appropriate adjustments to it if necessary. It is very important to follow the correct diet. 4 meals a day are recommended, if possible, at the same hours. In this case, the daily ration should be distributed unevenly, providing for a decrease in the food load in the afternoon. So, breakfast should contain on average 30% of daily calories, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10% and dinner - 20%. Meat and fish dishes are best consumed in the morning, dairy products - for dinner. The last meal should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Sample menu for a pregnant woman:

Breakfast - egg or scrambled eggs, milk porridge (stewed vegetables), cottage cheese, bread with cheese, kefir, fresh fruit.

Lunch - raw vegetable salad, vegetarian borsch with sour cream (vegetable soup, fish soup), stew or boiled fish with potatoes (vegetables), fruit juice.

Snack - kefir, fruit.

Dinner - cottage cheese casserole (syrniki) with sour cream, vinaigrette, fresh fruit, rosehip broth (fruit juice).

With toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, women sometimes have a decreased appetite, and sometimes an aversion to food (meat, fish, etc.), nausea, and vomiting. Given this, it is necessary to diversify food, select dishes that cause appetite. In the presence of nausea and vomiting, it is recommended to reduce the volume of servings, while increasing the number of meals. After each meal, you should lie down a bit.

In the presence of constipation, it is necessary to introduce wholemeal bread, bran into the diet, increase the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits.

It is advisable for pregnant women with a tendency to increase blood pressure and edema to include in the diet foods that help remove fluid from the body - dried apricots, prunes, rosehip broth. Watermelons, cabbage, beets, black currants, apricots are also useful.

With a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, iron-rich foods are widely included in the diet of a pregnant woman - liver, offal, eggs, apples, peaches, apricots, apricots, pumpkins, tomatoes.


It is well known that mother's milk is the best food that ensures normal development of an infant. However, it should be noted that this provision is valid only on the condition that the mother is healthy and receives good nutrition. The quality of a woman's nutrition during breastfeeding is important not only for the health of the mother herself, but also for the usefulness of breast milk and sufficient lactation. Numerous studies have proven the direct dependence of the chemical composition of breast milk on the quality of the mother's nutrition. With malnutrition of a woman in breast milk, the content of protein, fat, and vitamins can be sharply reduced.

On the other hand, the composition of breast milk can be significantly improved by introducing an appropriate correction into the mother's diet. At the same time, the sufficient content of high-grade proteins, mineral salts and vitamins in the diet of a nursing woman is of particular importance.

The need of a nursing mother for proteins averages up to 120 g / day, of which 60 - 70% should account for proteins of animal origin; the amount of fat should be 100 - 120 g / day. The calorie content of the diet of a nursing mother should also be increased and average 3200 kcal / day. As during pregnancy, a nursing mother needs more mineral salts, especially calcium and vitamins.

Recommended daily intake of vitamins for a nursing woman:

Thiamine, mg1.9 Riboflavin, mg2.2B6, mg2.2V12, µg4.0Folacin, µg600.0Niacin (niacin equivalent), mg21.0Ascorbic acid 80.0A (retinol equivalent), µg1500.0E, ME15.0D, ME500.0

The amount of fluid in the mother's daily diet should not exceed 2 liters (including soup, milk, kefir, juices, tea, etc.), since excessive fluid intake may worsen the quality of milk: the content of protein, fat, vitamins, minerals will decrease. substances.

Breastfeeding women are strictly prohibited from drinking any alcoholic beverages, including beer.

You should also avoid the use of excessive amounts of spices, extractives and products with a strong odor (garlic), as this can give the milk an unpleasant taste and smell. You should also limit the diet of foods such as chocolate, cocoa, citrus fruits, honey, nuts, which can cause allergic reactions in a child. The listed products can be used only taking into account their individual tolerance, both by the mother and the child.

The diet of a nursing mother is recommended to be coordinated with the diet of the child. It is advisable to take food before each feeding of the child (5 - 6 times a day), which contributes to a better secretion of milk. Such a diet is also desirable for the reason that the child usually sleeps before feeding, and the mother can eat calmly at this time.

A nursing mother, along with proper nutrition, needs proper rest, night sleep - at least 8 hours, daytime sleep - 1 - 2 hours, sufficient exposure to fresh air, a calm environment at home. The physical activity of the mother should be moderate, as it has been proven that severe fatigue adversely affects the composition of breast milk (the quality of the protein worsens, the amount of vitamins decreases).

In case of insufficient lactation, some special measures can be recommended to enhance and improve the quality of milk. Thus, the separation of milk improves somewhat if, 10-15 minutes before feeding the child, drink a glass of tea with milk, a rosehip broth or compote. Good effect gives the reception of nicotinic acid 40 - 50 mg 2 - 3 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes before feeding the child, the course of treatment - 2 weeks. To improve lactation, you can also use vitamin E (10-15 mg 2 times a day for 10-15 days). The use of dry brewer's yeast hydrolyzate (1 teaspoon 2 times a day during the entire lactation period) improves the quality of breast milk, increases the content of protein and fat in it, as well as lysozyme.

A favorable effect on a woman's lactation ability is also exerted by UV irradiation of the mammary glands, which is at the same time a measure for the prevention of nipple cracks. In the presence of painful cracked nipples, the amount of breast milk is sometimes reduced. Therefore, it is very important to ensure their prevention and treatment in a timely manner. With the formation of cracks in the nipples, it is necessary to lubricate with a 1% alcohol solution of brilliant green 2-3 times a day. You can also use various ointments, which include anestezin, vitamin A, disinfectants. In severe cases, it is necessary to interrupt the attachment of the child to the breast for 12-4 hours, expressing milk or feeding the child through a pad.

Of great importance for sufficient lactation is the correct and regular attachment of the child to the breast and the complete emptying of the mammary gland. Therefore, it is important to ensure that there is no milk left in the breast after feeding the baby.

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