Use Of Diets Aimed At Reducing Excess Weight

Marko Balašević Author: Marko Balašević Time for reading: ~29 minutes Last Updated: September 12, 2022
Use of diets aimed at reducing excess weight

Obesity is a widespread disease associated with excessive deposition of fat in the body. It proceeds with a profound metabolic disorder, and a number of internal and external factors play an important role in the emergence and development of obesity.

Every person facing the problem of weight loss knows that it can be solved correctly and for a long time only by answering the question: why did this problem arise?

Obesity is a widespread disease associated with excessive deposition of fat in the body. It proceeds with a profound metabolic disorder, and a number of internal and external factors play an important role in the emergence and development of obesity. The process of obesity, body weight gain is the process of the predominance of fat formation and fat accumulation over the consumption and breakdown of fat. In the human body, two processes constantly occur in parallel: the formation of fat (lipogenesis) and the expenditure, consumption of fat by the body (lipolysis). When a person maintains a constant body weight, this means that the level of fat production corresponds to the level of its use by the body.

If lipogenesis predominates, this means that the body is gaining body weight (positive energy balance). If lipolysis predominates, the body loses body weight (negative energy balance).

The human body contains an average of 30-40 billion fat cells. All excess calories that he consumes and does not immediately consume are immediately deposited in the body in the form of fat in these cells.

A certain amount of fat cells are laid down in a person in childhood and adolescence, which is why obesity that develops during these periods is difficult to treat later, since it occurs as a result of an increase in the total number of fat cells in the body. And when this person loses weight, then his total volume and, accordingly, the weight of these fat cells decreases. The number of fat cells remains forever unchanged. Therefore, in the future, all his life he will be at risk, prone to fullness.

Some scientists believe that the innate desire of most people to eat high-calorie, especially fatty foods is a subconscious reminder of the times when the consumption of such foods was necessary for survival. At present, the ability of the body to immediately store fat in reserve is becoming for many of us, to a certain extent, a negative quality.

The relevance of this essay is as follows: the widespread overweight, and as a result, obesity, many nutritionists are closely associated with the lifestyle of a modern person, while there are so-called. exogenous (caused by external causes) factors - improper nutrition, deficient in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, physical inactivity (lack of physical activity), stressful situations at work and at home. Endogenous (caused by internal factors) causes are also important in understanding the pathogenesis of obesity: metabolic disorders in the adipose tissue itself, congenital and acquired (overfeeding in early childhood; postpartum abnormalities in women) body features supported by alimentary (nutritional) factors.

Statistical indicators of obesity in the population

According to the latest research by specialists from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, more than half of Russians are overweight, and the body weight of the average citizen of the country is growing inexorably. Obesity currently has not only medical but also social significance, as it is a fertile ground for the emergence and progression of the most common diseases, such as atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and many others (mortality from various diseases in obese persons are 1.5-3 times higher). In addition, obesity is the cause of depression and other psychological problems. And yet, many overweight people are primarily concerned about aesthetic problems. And in this case they turn to a dermatocosmetologist,

Modern dietetics classifies several main causes leading first to overweight and then to obesity:

. Alimentary (food), due to the intake of more calories from food than is consumed by the body. This reason is the main reason for 85-90% of all cases of obesity.

. Endocrine, due to insufficient activity of the endocrine glands. 12-13% of all cases of obesity depend on this cause.

. Cerebral, due to a violation of the regulation of the centers of hunger and appetite. Only 2-3% of cases of obesity depend on this cause.

. Medicinal, due to long-term use of drugs that increase appetite or activate the formation of adipose tissue in the body. These features of drugs are related to side, undesirable consequences of their action and are primarily characteristic of synthetic hormonal drugs. This is typical for 2-5% of cases of obesity.

Thus, in every nine out of ten obese people, obesity is obtained as a result of the alimentary (nutritional) factor, when there is an excess of calories from food over calories consumed by the body as a result of vital activity. However, if you simply limit the calorie intake by starting to eat less, the problem of excess weight will not always be solved. Many patients, having first tried on their body to solve the problem of excess weight in a similar way, eventually received a negative result. Solving problems of weight loss is quite complicated.

The fact that almost half of our population is overweight, and 25% of them are obese.

Criteria and degree of obesity

What is the criterion for overweight and obesity? How can a person determine whether there is a problem of excess weight for him, and what degree of it takes place in this particular case?

As a rule, people who are 20% overweight for their age, sex, height, physique, suffer from obesity. In this case, not only the absolute weight gain matters, but also the percentage of body fat, the distribution of body fat in the body and general health. There are a number of diseases in which doctors strongly recommend that the patient lose weight even with a slight excess of average weight.

The optimal percentage of body fat differs for men and women. For men, 17% is the norm, for women - 25%.

There are several ways to determine the criteria for obesity.

The most common and used is Broca's index. It is suitable for those whose height is in the range from 155 to 170 cm. The normal weight is determined by the formula: height (in cm) minus 100. For example, with a height of 164 cm, according to this method, the normal weight will be 64 kg.

According to another similar method, excess weight is characterized as overweight in relation to growth and is evaluated according to standard indicators summarized in height-weight tables. At the same time, the constitution of the body structure, age, gender are additionally taken into account. This method is simpler than other methods for measuring the degree of obesity, such as measuring the thickness of skin-fat folds in different parts of the body [5, c . 190].

Specialists of the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend using the Quetelet index, which is called the body mass index (BMI), to assess the state of body weight and is defined as the ratio of body weight (in kg) to the square of the patient's height (in m).

Obesity weight body weight loss



Body weight assessment




Hypotrophy of the 3rd degree



Hypotrophy of the 2nd degree



Hypotrophy of the 1st degree



normal body weight



Optimal body weight

overweight body



Obesity 1st degree



Obesity 2nd degree



Obesity 3rd degree


Factors contributing to weight gain

Lack of physical activity.

Modern technologies make it possible to mechanize various labor processes, which significantly reduces the energy consumption for their implementation. As a result, workers will have reduced energy expenditure and, if the amount of energy they consume from food is not corrected, they will experience weight gain.

Fat people, especially children and teenagers, often don't eat more than normal weight people. But they gain weight because they are inactive and slow. Obese children tend to become obese adults and tend to be more obese than people who gain weight as adults. Childhood obesity is a more serious problem because it affects physical health. Obesity is the main cause of hypertension in children and adolescents. Obese children have high levels of cholesterol and blood sugar. For children and adolescents, the psychological effects are even more important. The discrimination and ridicule experienced by overweight children in their community can destroy their self-confidence.

Genetic problems

Genetics has a strong influence on a person's body weight. Genes affect the type of organism, body size and distribution of fat in it, the flow of energy-regulating processes in the body. According to the structure, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of adipose tissue are distinguished. Hypertrophy is characterized by a small number of fat cells with a large amount of fat. Hyperplasia is characterized by a large number of fat cells with a large amount of fat. If a person recovers in old age, this is due to hypertrophy of adipose tissue. If a child is obese since childhood, this is due to hyperplasia of adipose tissue. In obese parents, children tend to be obese, as they inherit more fat cells. In addition, gluttony is often developed in such families, which contributes to the rapid overflow of a large number of cells with fat.

Metabolic efficiency

Metabolism (metabolism) - a set of metabolic reactions in the body, combines two types of processes occurring in the body: catabolism - dissimilation, the breakdown of complex organic substances and anabolism - assimilation aimed at the formation of organic substances, components of cells and tissues.

Metabolic efficiency plays an important role in the development of obesity. In general, it can be stated that a more efficient, energetically less wasteful type of metabolism predisposes to obesity, while a less efficient metabolism contributes to the stabilization of body weight even with little physical activity.

Lipoprotein lipase (LPL) enzyme activity

In overweight people, the LPL enzyme is more active. It synthesizes its own fat in the body. With a low-calorie diet (hunger, weight loss, unloading diet), characterized by a low level of calorie intake, this enzyme is in a state of inactivity. With the intake of an increased amount of calories with food, its activity increases sharply. This is especially evident in the transition from a low-calorie diet to the patient's usual diet, which contains, as a rule, a significant excess of calories in terms of energy. This explains the sharp weight gain in almost all patients after they complete the course of a therapeutic diet.

The ratio between brown and yellow adipose tissue

The difference between these tissues is that yellow adipose tissue (YAT) stores fat and brown adipose tissue (BAT) produces heat. These differences explain the fact that some individuals are able to consume large amounts of food while not getting better at all. It's just that in their body there is a significant amount of KZhT and a small amount of FFA. Significant reserves of SCFA are found in newborn infants and in cold-adapted individuals who regularly engage in winter bathing.

Frequency of food intake

It has been established that with the same caloric content of the diet, infrequent (one, two) meals contribute to weight gain, more frequent (three or more times) contributes to weight loss.

The composition of the diet

The composition of the diet is important in the regulation of body weight.

It is known that fats carry more calories than proteins and carbohydrates. More than 25% of calories are expended when excess carbohydrates are converted to body fat. When dietary fats are converted to body fat, only 3% of calories are expended. Therefore, the body is more likely to produce fats "in reserve" from food fats than from food carbohydrates or proteins.

Selection of foods in the diet

The correct selection of food products has, if not the main, then a decisive role in the correction and maintenance of body weight. Different foods do not equally stimulate the production of insulin by the pancreas. On this basis, all food products are divided into foods with a high glycemic index (glucose, potatoes, white bread, confectionery, bananas, etc.) and foods with a low glycemic index (wholemeal bread, oatmeal, vegetables, fruits, soybeans, etc. .). The products of the first group, with the same calorie content, in comparison with the second group, cause a greater formation of insulin. In this case, all calories not used to do any work go into fat. It is known that the main amount of fat is formed at night. Therefore, overeating at night is so undesirable.

Influence of stressful situations on weight gain

Depression, anxiety, irritability often lead to overeating. These conditions are largely determined by low levels of serotonin in the brain. The low content of this substance significantly affects cravings for sweet, starchy and starchy foods. Serotonin determines the relationship between mood and nutrition, at least cravings for sweet and starchy foods. Thus, a depressed mood leads to "gluttony with sweets", and saturation with them leads to satisfaction, a comfortable state and, accordingly, weight gain.


Medical problems associated with overweight and obesity (PREMIUM)

Overweight and obesity are a serious medical problem today. Obese people suffer psychologically because of their appearance, as in our society, success, health, beauty are beginning to be associated with health and slenderness of the figure. Obesity, even just overweight, creates an additional burden on the spine, on the joints of the lower extremities, creates an additional risk of diseases of the heart and> blood vessels, liver, and other internal organs, leading to aggravation of existing; health problems and the development of new ones.

Obesity causes resistance (decrease in sensitivity) of body tissues to insulin, increasing the risk of diabetes mellitus, disrupts metabolism, increases susceptibility to infections, creates a high risk for the early onset of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, gallbladder disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, strokes, joint pathology and other diseases. Obesity is often accompanied by liver diseases, with excess weight, pregnancy is more difficult.

Analysis of the state of modern body weight correction systems

Modern complex systems of actions for the correction (reduction / increase) of body weight include, as a rule, the following areas:

. Health and diet food.

. Increasing physical activity.

. Intensive balneotherapy (sea bathing, hydromassage, sauna, Swedish, contrast shower, Charcot shower).

. Medical therapy.

Let us dwell in more detail on the analysis of the current state in some of the above directions.

Health and diet food

First of all, it should be noted that it is extremely difficult to achieve weight loss on a low-calorie diet without the complex use of other health measures, and it is even more difficult to maintain the achieved weight results for a long period of time.

To date, more than 400 "effective, miraculous, unparalleled ..." low-calorie diets are known. Unfortunately, the vast majority of them do not stand up to reasoned criticism, many cause irreparable harm to the body, the rest are not shown to all patients who want to lose weight. As for the patients who still achieved positive results as a result of losing weight, only one in ten maintains the achieved weight for two years, only one in fifty maintains the weight for seven years, only one in two hundred and fifty maintains the achieved weight for a longer time. What is the reason for the failure of most low-calorie diets?

First, a rigid diet in itself disrupts the body's natural reflexes to food. Hunger causes discomfort, increases appetite. Prolonged stay on a low-calorie diet can lead to loss of efficiency, depression due to the development of abnormalities, and ultimately lead to malnutrition diseases - beriberi, high morbidity due to weakening of the body's defenses, constipation, chilliness due to low levels of thermogenesis. Under these conditions, bouts of uncontrolled eating (bulimia) are inevitable and understandable, resulting in a disruption of low-calorie diet programs.

Secondly, the human body is practically controlled by the survival instinct, which automatically comes into play as soon as there is a threat of food restriction, for example, during a low-calorie diet program. Guided by the survival instinct, the body goes into "starvation survival mode". The body perceives the "artificial" hunger caused by a low-calorie diet as a real danger and sets the metabolic processes at an economical level necessary for survival. This phenomenon in dietology is called "set point", which means "installation", "setting" to a low level of metabolism. When the body switches to normal nutrition, then, remembering the starvation just suffered, changes the metabolic rate in the direction of saving energy and begins to store more fat "just in case in reserve." This explains the decrease in the rate of weight loss with an increase in the time of following a low-calorie diet, as well as the rapid weight gain after returning to normal nutrition. At the same time, there are very often cases when, immediately after the end of the diet and the transition to a normal diet, the patient's weight begins to increase rapidly and, skipping his "pre-diet" level, stops and stabilizes already at a higher weight mark, which nullifies the results. low calorie diet. as well as rapid weight gain after returning to a normal diet. At the same time, there are very often cases when, immediately after the end of the diet and the transition to a normal diet, the patient's weight begins to increase rapidly and, skipping his "pre-diet" level, stops and stabilizes already at a higher weight mark, which nullifies the results. low calorie diet. as well as rapid weight gain after returning to a normal diet. At the same time, there are very often cases when, immediately after the end of the diet and the transition to a normal diet, the patient's weight begins to increase rapidly and, skipping his "pre-diet" level, stops and stabilizes already at a higher weight mark, which nullifies the results. low calorie diet.

Thirdly, the regulation of the body's metabolic processes is disrupted due to the repeated and ineffective use of low-calorie diets. This leads to pendulum swings in body weight and progressive resistance from diet to diet to any reduction in body weight, which is called the "swing".

Fourthly, the law of conservation of energy, mechanically transferred to the human body, does not take into account the individual characteristics of its metabolic processes. With the same energy value of the diet, different individuals will use calories differently - depending on the individual level of metabolism, physical activity and the functional state of the pancreas. Normally, the pancreas produces an amount of insulin that is proportional to the rise in blood glucose after a meal. With obesity, due to systematic overeating, the response of the pancreas to an increase in blood glucose levels changes. It begins to produce excessive doses of insulin, which leads to hyperinsulinism. In conditions of hyperinsulinism, if glucose is not used to perform work, more fat is produced. Thus, pancreatic dysfunction is one of the causes of obesity.

Today, those who want to lose weight are under the powerful influence of aggressive, not always correct, advertising from the pages of newspapers and magazines, radio, TV screens, and finally, from lampposts. Various means are offered for immediate, almost instant, and painless weight loss of any number of kilograms, or tens of kilograms, at the choice of the client and based on the thickness of his wallet.

In this regard, it is necessary to quote the position of the American Medical Association, which warns against light and irresponsible promises to everyone who wants to help lose weight: who offer them instant and easy weight loss."

Currently used drugs (especially synthetic ones), for the most part, have not always acceptable side effects, which, as a rule, advertising does not consider it necessary to inform its customers. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

Most weight loss pharmaceuticals are derivatives of phenamine (fenfluramine, phenylpropanolamine, amphetamine). They have a pronounced effect on the central nervous system, excite the sympathetic nervous system. They reduce appetite, increase concentration and increase efficiency, but their side effect entails the appearance of a feeling of fear, anxiety, irritability. In some cases, they lead to psychotic manifestations, increased blood pressure, increased and increased heart rate, which determines the incompatibility of their administration with antihypertensive drugs. The euphoric effect of phenamine derivatives decreases after 4-5 weeks of use, which leads to the need to increase the dose and to the emergence of drug dependence on drugs.

Thyroid hormones increase basal metabolic rate and thereby help convert food calories and fat calories into energy. However, their use for the purpose of losing weight is unjustified - there is a significant loss of muscle tissue, aggravated heart problems and a negative effect on the normal function of the thyroid gland.

Currently, to reduce body weight, preparations containing enzymes of plant products are offered and heavily advertised: brome-line, papain (papaya, mango, pineapple, etc.). The breakdown of proteins and their assimilation in the body under the influence of these enzymes really improves, which, without dietary changes, ultimately contributes to the fastest increase in the patient's weight. However, "slimming drugs" are designed to promote just the opposite effect.

Diuretics and laxatives also lead to weight loss, but through the loss of water in the body in the first place, and not by reducing the amount of adipose tissue. Patients taking laxatives to interfere with nutrient absorption may interfere with normal intestinal absorption. Regular intake of these drugs leads to water and electrolyte imbalance in the body.

Some firms began to produce drugs for weight loss, blocking the absorption of fats. Some drugs block the enzyme lipase, which breaks down fat, and fat is simply not absorbed, it is rapidly thrown out of the body. A clear disadvantage of such drugs is diarrhea (diarrhea) when such a drug is taken together with fatty foods. If they "passed each other" - fat separately, the drug separately - there is no diarrhea, but there is also no effect of reducing the caloric content of the diet. Preparations based on enterosorbents sorb fat in the intestine and thereby reduce the energy value of food. In terms of weight loss, they are certainly effective. However, the authors of these methods should be more assertive in informing their clients that with the fats that these drugs successfully remove,

a) polyunsaturated fatty acids;

b) fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E;

c) phospholipids and sterols.

With prolonged use, this can lead to the development of a polynutrient deficiency in the body. The subsequent forced and necessary elimination of this deficiency causes, as a rule, an increase in body weight, and the course of weight loss ends with a negative result.

Correction of fat metabolism without changing food stereotypes is either impossible at all, or short-term. Hope for "miraculous remedies" and passion for them without significant work on your eating habits can lead to an imbalance in the work of systems and organs involved in the digestive process. At the same time, the problem of own balanced nutrition is not solved at all.

Persons using a similar method - "I'll take a pill - and lose weight" need to remember the law of conservation of energy: "Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only changes from one form to another." Therefore, in order to reduce body fat, you usually need to burn fat during physical work, and reduce the intake of calories from food.

Summing up, we can conclude that the use of maintenance drugs should be carried out as part of a comprehensive plan focused on a real long-term low-calorie diet.

The role of vitamins and trace elements in a weight loss program (PREMIUM)

Vitamins, minerals, trace elements are absolutely necessary for the growth and development of the body, renewal of its tissues, normal metabolism and all physiological functions. They protect a person from diseases and harmful environmental factors. How are obesity and lack of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients related? Unfortunately, obesity has long been regarded as a disease... of a "hungry" organism! In developed countries, obesity is the lot of socially disadvantaged segments of the population, in other words, a disease of the poor!

A full-fledged, saturated with useful substances food "turns off" the body's search reactions - what else to eat in order to get important substances.

A modern person really does not receive vital nutrients, trying to compensate for their deficiency in the amount of food. Replacing quality with quantity is, of course, inferior. An excess of fats, carbohydrates and calories with a continuing deficiency of essential nutrients inevitably leads to obesity. Enriching the diet with vitamins, trace elements, minerals, useful fatty acids, and other essential nutrients is considered as an effective way to prevent obesity.

Despite the vital importance of vitamins, nature has decreed that the human body is not able to synthesize most of these compounds it needs and therefore must receive them in finished form - with food or in the form of dietary supplements. Many people understand the problem of vitamin deficiency as follows - it is enough to correct our diet, add a couple of apples and carrots to it a day, as the problem will be solved. In reality, the situation is much more complicated. It turns out that fresh vegetables and fruits can only provide us with vitamin C, carotene and, to some extent, folic acid. But for this you need to eat not an apple from time to time, but every day a large plate of salad from a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, as a modern European and American does. Unfortunately, for most of us, this is unusual. As for all other vitamins,c . 100].

Our ancestors had to work hard and hard to survive. Human metabolism is adapted precisely to the amount of vitamins and microelements that he received over millions of years of evolution of the species with the large amount of simple natural food that our ancestors had to consume in order to make up for large energy costs. Over the past 5-7 decades, social and technological progress in developed countries has led to the fact that the average energy consumption of a modern person has decreased several times: from 4000-5000 to 2000-2500 kilocalories.

As a result, "scissors" arose between the two functions of food: as a source of energy, we need less of it, and as a source of vitamins and other biologically active substances with a protective effect - even more than our ancestors consumed.

It is necessary to explain this circumstance - why, in order to obtain a complete set of vitamins and minerals, you need to eat much more food than before. This is due to the consequences of intensive methods and technologies for growing and preparing the main types of food: cereals, vegetables, fruits, animal and poultry meat, milk, etc. Such an intensification of the production of all foodstuffs, with many positive qualities, also has a number of negative ones. And the most important of them - from year to year there is a systematic and steady decrease in the percentage of vitamins, microelements and other useful substances per unit weight of absolutely all food products. Those. In order to get a certain amount of vitamins and biologically active substances necessary for the body, every year you have to eat more and more food. This can be clearly illustrated by the following example: according to American sources, if at the beginning of the last century 100 grams of spinach contained 150 mg of iron, then in 1968 - 27 mg, in 1979 already 12 mg, and in 2000 - 2 mg. There is a decrease in the norm of iron content by 75 times! So, in order to get the amount of iron that was contained in 100 grams of spinach at the beginning of the last century, now it will be necessary to eat 7.5 kg of spinach. And the same downward trend in the proportion of vitamins and microelements is observed in absolutely all types of food products! [ten, to get the amount of iron that was contained in 100 grams of spinach at the beginning of the last century, now it will be necessary to eat 7.5 kg of spinach. And the same downward trend in the proportion of vitamins and microelements is observed in absolutely all types of food products! [ten, to get the amount of iron that was contained in 100 grams of spinach at the beginning of the last century, now it will be necessary to eat 7.5 kg of spinach. And the same downward trend in the proportion of vitamins and microelements is observed in absolutely all types of food products! [ten,c . 55].

World and domestic experience shows that in the current situation, the most effective and cost-effective way to radically improve the body's supply of vitamins is the regular inclusion in the diet of products containing the necessary complexes of vitamins, microelements and additionally enriched with valuable biologically active nutrients to a level corresponding to the physiological needs of a person. , - dietary supplement.

Currently, the dietary supplement market offers a significant selection of such products. One such product that can be recommended to anyone using a low-calorie diet for weight loss is the Total Nutrition Today (TNT) dry drink, which is produced by NSP. The drink is a source of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, as well as antioxidants that slow down the aging process. and Mega-Chel are tablet dietary supplements that contain all the vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for a modern person. Chewable Multiple Vitamins Plus Iron is a special vitamin and mineral complex for children, in the form of pleasant chewable tablets. Good health is laid from childhood, and enrichment of the diet as a prevention of many ailments, including obesity, is also important to start from childhood!

You can also recommend Bee Pollen, which is an extract of bee pollen and contains 16 vitamins, 18 minerals, 28 trace elements, 18 amino acids, enzymes and coenzymes. The components of bee pollen allow the body to more easily and efficiently burn calories from food, which, with a low-calorie diet, contributes to weight loss and the replacement of yellow fat with brown.

Building an effective weight loss program (PREMIUM)

Building an effective diet for weight loss should be based on the following principles:

. The diet should be low-calorie, but biologically complete.

. The diet should not create a feeling of hunger.

. The composition of meals and the selection of foods for the diet should take into account their effect on insulin secretion by the pancreas.

. The diet should modify and reinforce healthy eating habits.

. Diet and behavior should help maintain and increase brown adipose tissue in the body.

. The used drug component (if used) of the diet should be selected for each patient by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics, the degree of health of the main organs and systems of his body [3, c . 96-99].

An effective dietary program should include several stages, among them should be highlighted:

stage - Adaptation to healthy foods;

stage - Decrease in body weight in conditions of strict food restrictions;

stage - Stabilization of body weight in the conditions of removal of food restrictions.

At the first stage of the diet, you need to get used to certain restrictions and give preference to foods with a low glycemic index in order to normalize pancreatic function. Foods with a high (undesirable) and low (preferred) glycemic index are presented in the table.

At this stage, it is necessary to consciously, without coercion, make a choice in favor of healthy foods. The duration of this stage may vary, and will depend on how quickly adaptation to these products occurred. The first stage is not associated with food restriction, its duration cannot be less than 3 weeks, which are necessary for adaptation to healthy foods and normalization of the pancreas.

The second stage of the diet is associated with limiting the caloric content of the diet and increasing physical activity.

To this end, in a properly formulated low-calorie diet, the proportion of fat should be 20% of the energy value of the diet. It is necessary to approximately halve the consumption of fats, since in the typical diet of the CIS population, the fat quota due to lard, pork, milk fat concentrates, and sunflower oil reaches 40%. It should be borne in mind that many products contain so-called hidden fats: intramuscular meat fat, sausages, mayonnaises, sauces. In order to fulfill this recommendation, it is necessary to switch to the consumption of low-fat dairy products (1% fat milk, low-fat kefir, yogurts, "skinny" cottage cheese, 15-20% fat sour cream), lean white meat, exclude fatty seasonings (mayonnaise , sauces).

It is advisable to include in the diet program carbohydrates in the form of polysaccharides - carbohydrates of vegetables and not very sweet fruits.

Protein intake is moderately limited, its need should correspond to the norm of 1 gram of protein per 1 kg of the patient's optimal body weight.

Of all the existing low-calorie diets, the most physiologically complete and effective is the protein-vegetable diet.

Restriction of caloric content of the diet is carried out in accordance with the planned loss of body weight. Weight loss of 500 g per week is optimal. In order to lose 500 grams per week, you need to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by 500 kcal. A daily lack of 1000 kcal will lead to a loss of body weight of 1 kg per week.

It should be emphasized that an energy deficit of 1000 kcal is excessive and dangerous, as it leads to a polynutrient deficiency.

It should be remembered that diets built on a significant restriction of food initially lead to weight loss. However, due to the development of a polynutrient deficiency, fatigue, depression and, as a result, excessive appetite occur. The body does not withstand such a diet, leaves the "distance", begins to consume food without restrictions and there is an even greater increase in body weight.

- It is always worth introducing foods with a negative calorie content into the diet - these are foods that the body will spend more energy on passing through the digestive canal, their assimilation than is contained in the product itself. Carrying natural fiber Loclo, Fat Grabbers - if you drink them often (4-6 times a day) and in small portions (Loclo - 0.5 teaspoon per 200 g of water, Fat Grabbers - 1-2 capsules + 200 g of water), a negative calorie effect.

- The consumption of table salt or products containing it is moderately limited: herring, meat and fish balyki, pickled and pickled vegetables.

- It is necessary to exclude appetite stimulants from the diet: meat, fish and mushroom broths, sauces, ketchups, adjika, mayonnaise, spicy greens.

- It is advisable to completely reconsider your eating habits, and never eat "on the run" [5, p . 190].


Diet therapy is used primarily in the treatment of diseases associated with damage to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, kidneys and urinary tract, cardiovascular system, joints, metabolic disorders, allergies.

Special nutrition or an optimal diet is necessary during the recovery of the body after severe infectious diseases, surgical interventions, with certain autoimmune and oncological diseases, with radiation and burn disease, with prolonged stressful situations, etc.

It is extremely important to consult a dietitian on the selection of the optimal diet for pregnant and lactating women. At the same time, the goal is to preserve and maintain the health of both the mother and her child.


Elderly people also need to adhere to a specially designed diet, which takes into account the peculiarities of the digestive system associated with aging, as well as age-related changes in metabolism.

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