Useful Foods For Nails

Marko Balašević Author: Marko Balašević Time for reading: ~2 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Useful Foods For Nails

In this article, learn more about Useful Foods For Nails. Useful foods for nails.

Nails can be a mirror of human health. Of course, a visit to a manicurist affects their appearance, but the beauty that gives a balanced diet can not be replaced by any restorative and aesthetic procedures.

Nails are horny areas of skin whose job is to protect fingertips from injury.

Foods that support the health and beauty of nails:

  • carrots with vegetable fat: when consuming such salads the body is literally saturated with vitamin A, which gives shine to the nails, protects them from breakage and splitting;
  • nuts, seeds and avocados: these products contain a lot of vitamin E, and without it the growth and beauty of nails are impossible (the element is called "vitamin of youth");
  • milk and dairy products: natural ones contain a lot of calcium needed for the normal structure of the nail plate. We must also say that the element is well absorbed only with vitamin D, which in the summer the body obtains from the sun's rays, and during the rest of the year fish oil helps.
  • cucumbers, zucchini, fresh cabbage: they have useful elements for nails such as sulfur and silicon;
  • black bread and cereals: are sources of B vitamins, which are needed for nails to grow quickly and be beautiful and shiny;
  • fatty fish: fish oil is a major "supplier" of vitamin D to the body;
  • seafood, oats, buckwheat, seeds: zinc in them gives strength to the nails;
  • seaweed, paradise apples: the presence of considerable amounts of iodine in these foods contributes to the health and good appearance of nails;
  • pumpkin seeds: the selenium in pumpkin seeds protects nails from harmful environmental factors.


General recommendations

  • It is good for the menu to be rich in fresh products, which are defined as useful. In parallel, reduce the consumption of canned food containing few substances that the human body needs.
  • Vegetable juices help to quickly restore nails, give them strength, help accelerate growth. Especially useful is the juice of carrots and cucumbers - it contains carotene, silicon and sulfur - elements without which the health and beauty of the nails are impossible.
  • We should not forget about green leafy vegetables and spices such as parsley, basil, coriander, lettuce. All of them provide the body with substances necessary for the normal nutrition of the nails.
  • As for the habit of biting the nails, it can be influenced by the consumption of celery and parsnip juice, as the liquid obtained from these roots is rich in magnesium, responsible for the well-being of the nervous system. Taking such drinks, you will quickly forget about the habit.

Harmful nail products

  • unpeeled roasted seeds - they are harmful in terms of the fact that cleaning them from the shells, the nail plate is injured;
  • salt - in large quantities it prevents the full absorption of vitamins.


More on the topic:
  • Nutrition in onychomycosis (nail fungus)
  • Nutrition in onychomycosis (nail fungus)

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