Zinc Supports Immunity And Health

Nia Rouseberg Author: Nia Rouseberg Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Zinc Supports Immunity And Health

In this article, learn more about Zinc Supports Immunity And Health. How to get zinc from non-animal sources?.

The essential minerals that the body needs are iron, magnesium and zinc. In reality, they are metals, if we look at the Mendeleev table, but metals needed in microscopic doses for the occurrence of a number of processes in the body, including improving the immune system. 


When it comes to zinc?

We take zinc naturally from plant sources, water and some animal products. Zinc is involved in blood clotting, builds protein and DNA, helps heal wounds and plays a role in maintaining a healthy immune system. Participates in the formation and maintenance of bones, as well as skin, hair and nails. 

Its deficiency causes a number of health problems, such as a tendency to skin diseases, including acne, weight loss, and frequent illness.

The only way to get the necessary zinc is through nutrition - our body does not synthesize it. The recommended daily intake is 11 mg for men and 8 for women.

In case you suspect a zinc deficiency, it is a good idea to discuss the matter with your GP. Excessive intake of the mineral is not a good option, as it can impair the absorption of other essential elements, such as iron, or lead to conditions such as zinc toxicity. Signs of this may include diarrhea and headache.

A balanced diet is generally a solution to provide the body with the necessary zinc. However, there are ingredients in the diet that can interfere with the effective absorption of zinc, such as phytates, according to a publication in The Journal of Nutrition .

They are found in a number of cereal-based foods, including rice.

However, some methods of cooking, cooking, even just heating, soaking, fermentation, fermentation can reduce the effect of phytates, according to another publication in The Medical Journal of Australia.

Even on a vegetarian diet, the body can get the necessary amount of zinc. 

Here are some foods we can get zinc with?

100 g of tofu contain 2 mg of zinc. Hemp seed is also rich in the mineral - 100 g contains 10 mg of zinc. In the same amount of pumpkin seeds is approximately 8 mg. It is also found in chia, quinoa, walnuts, shiitake mushrooms, lentils and fortified cereals. 


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