Olives Help Reduce High Cholesterol ?!

Alexander Bruni
Author: Alexander Bruni Time for reading: ~1 minutes Last Updated: August 08, 2022
Olives Help Reduce High Cholesterol ?!

Olives help treat hyperlipidemia, which is associated with high cholesterol levels

Researchers have discovered a new treatment for hyperlipidemia with oleanolic acid, a natural compound found in olives because it is thought to be effective in high cholesterol.

Hyperlipidemia is considered a risk condition that can cause liver and heart disease. It occurs with obesity, smoking, improper diet or genetic predisposition.

Cholesterol helps to create cell membranes, produce hormones and maintain nerve function. However, when it rises, it can lead to serious health problems . Doctors recommend that cholesterol levels be checked every six months. 

In previous studies, oleanolic acid has been shown to improve hyperlipidemia in animals. The present study aims to determine whether similar effects can be achieved in humans. For this purpose, for four weeks, oleanolic acid is administered to humans. Patients' blood samples were collected before and after treatment and analyzed. 


The results show that there is a significant decrease in the content of total cholesterol, triglycerides and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The data provide evidence that oleanolic acid found in olives can improve hyperlipidemia.


While some types of fats, such as trans fats and saturated fats, are harmful to health, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are beneficial. With high cholesterol, you can eat more foods that contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as olives and olive oil. They contain antioxidants in the form of vitamin E, which prevents cholesterol from damaging the arteries.

Olives and raw olive oil contain polyphenols that help maintain a healthy heart, prevent aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Due to their properties, they can reduce high blood pressure.

In addition to improving hyperlipidemia , olives are good for overall health. The nutrients in them reduce the risk of cancer, improve bone strength and vision, maintain a healthy immune system and prevent anemia and diabetes. They provide vitamins, amino acids and minerals such as potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium and phosphorus to the body. 

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