Top 10 Foods That Are Killing You

Ivan Red Jr. Author: Ivan Red Jr. Time for reading: ~16 minutes Last Updated: August 30, 2022
Top 10 Foods That Are Killing You

In this article, learn more about Top 10 Foods That Are Killing You. The article talks about the top 10 products that are killing you.

In the article we will tell:

  1. History of healthy eating
  2. 3 main problems of the human diet
  3. Top 10 foods that are killing us
  4. No less dangerous products for the body
  5. Foods that are incompatible in the body

Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Only the dose makes a medicine a poison and a poison a medicine. But at the same time, there are products that today are a really big problem not only for an individual, but for humanity as a whole.

The following 10 foods that are killing us, for some, will be components of the usual diet. Unfortunately, we do not always think about their harmfulness.

And there are products that, it would seem, do no harm, but in combination with others complicate the process of digestion of food, provoking bloating, heaviness. These tandems are also familiar to everyone, moreover, they are often present on the tables, without even a bit of doubt about their usefulness. Interested? Then we prepare a notebook and a pen and outline the most important thing from our article.

History of healthy eating

To survive, a person must eat. Food is needed for both healthy people and sick people. Even the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates believed that the success of treatment largely depends on the right food.


The amount of food required for saturation is individual for each person.

Sylvester Graham, who lived in the 19th century, developed curative fasting. Reverend Graham was a staunch vegetarian and healthy lifestyle advocate. He developed a special health-improving diet, the essence of which was year-round fasting. Graham believed that such a diet would improve both the body and the spirit.

Graham's contemporary William Banting wrote a Letter on Obesity in 1863. The treatise contained advice on how to lose 20 kg in two months of fasting. At the same time, Banting argued that it was eating pasta and potatoes that leads to obesity.

Russian dietology is based on the works of I. A. Sibirsky (1745-1783). He was a doctor and professor at Moscow University, where he lectured on physiology, dietetics and semiotics.

And in England, the famous physician Thomas Sydenham treated gout and obesity with diets. He was opposed to pharmaceuticals in principle and believed that any disease can be cured by proper nutrition.


Later, Russian scientists scientifically substantiated the point of view of Thomas Sydenham. So dietology approached the status of science. The research of the creator of the doctrine of higher nervous activity, I. P. Pavlov, turned out to be a breakthrough. He formulated the basic law of digestion, which later formed the basis of modern dietology. You can read the Nobel Lecture here.

The doctrine of healthy eating is constantly evolving. Thanks to this process, complete diets have emerged, which are based not on reducing the amount of food consumed, but on the right choice of products.

  • Pevzner's diet table

M. I. Pevzner is a therapist, one of the founders of the Institute of Nutrition in Moscow and Modern Dietetics. Thanks to him, medical nutrition appeared in Soviet sanatoriums. He is also the author of health diets that are still relevant today.

It was M. I. Pevzner who developed the “potassium” and “magnesium” nutrition systems, which compensate for the lack of the corresponding elements and treat rheumatism, kidney disease and tuberculosis.

In total, the scientist made 18 diets, or "tables". They are classified according to various diseases and indications. Unloading diets and surgical ones, they are also “zero”, are singled out in a special group.

  • Inventions related to healthy eating, in chronological order

1930: Separate feeding method discovered. Its author, Dr. William Hay, fed his patients alternately with fruits and meat.

1940: worldwide denial of diets. The results of experiments appear in the media, during which people greatly lose weight.

1951: Sugar substitutes are synthesized.

1960: Protein shakes and lean meats are in vogue.

1970: The desire for beauty and health becomes popular in the USSR. Dietary supplements appear on sale, which are used as medicines.

1982: Enemas are introduced as a weight loss and cleansing aid.

1990: radical methods appeared in the struggle for beauty. Began to carry out operations to remove fat and other cosmetic interventions.

In the 21st century, the beauty industry is ready to offer radical ways to deal with excess weight: plastic and cosmetic surgery, exhausting workouts and restrictive diets. However, human health depends largely not on how much he eats, but what kind of food he chooses.

3 main problems of the human diet

  1. Too much sugar


    Excessive consumption of sugar increases the risk of developing metabolic disorders. Against the background of high insulin, all tissues grow: non-cystic fibrous formations, endometrial growths, all types of tumors (lipomas, adenomas, fibroids, etc.).

    Also, an excess of sugar provokes cardiovascular diseases, ranging from spider veins to atherosclerosis - this is the result of the glycation process, which is provoked by chronically high blood sugar levels! Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the excess of sugar in the diet, and reconsider it, especially in baby food.

    We all know that children need glucose because it provides energy, stimulates appetite, and helps all organs (especially the brain) to function properly. However, it must be remembered that the child's body needs glucose, and not refined sugar. Glucose is found in fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, many parents introduce sugar into their children's diet too early. Up to three years, the child has enough glucose without sugar and sweets.

    The norm of sugar for a child of 3-7 years old is no more than 3-4 grams per day.

  2. Too much saturated fat

    Saturated fats are a really important and healthy component, but so many people just overeat them, thereby provoking inflammation in the body.

    Dairy products - cream, butter, cheeses, fatty meats - are all saturated fats. With an excess of saturated fatty acids, a large amount of cholesterol enters the body.

    We need saturated fats for the synthesis of vitamin D and hormones, in particular serotonin, the hormone of joy. By the way, that is why with a cholesterol deficiency, you can get depressed (for more details, see the study). But an excess of saturated fat can disrupt cholesterol metabolism and provoke atherosclerosis.

    So watch your intake of saturated fats, and don't forget the unsaturated omega-3s: flaxseed, hemp oil, oily fish, walnuts, chia seeds, or fish oil supplements.

  3. Too much preservatives

    Food additives are natural and synthetic substances introduced into food products during the production process in order to give them the specified quality indicators, as well as to extend the shelf life and speed up food production technology.

    Those who want to limit the influence of negative factors can be advised not to get involved in fast food dishes, ready-made sausages, sweet yogurts, store-bought sweets and desserts, etc.


10 foods that are killing you

    1. Sweet soda

      The topic of the dangers of sweet carbonated drinks has been discussed more than once. These foods have been proven to damage teeth and skin, disrupt hormone balance, and increase blood sugar levels.

      Sodas always contain a huge dose of sugar, dyes and preservatives, some of which are dangerous carcinogens. Synthetic sweeteners do not save the situation, as these substances have their own side effects.


      It is much more useful to drink freshly squeezed juices, especially those prepared with your own hands.

    2. Meat delicacies

      Many families have sausages, carbonates, rolls, sausages in their diet. All of these foods contain preservatives, flavor enhancers, and other dangerous substances in abundance.

    3. Sunflower oil


      In Russia, most families cook with sunflower oil. However, few people know that GMO crops are used for its manufacture.

      In addition, refined sunflower oil contains trans fats. They occur when the product is heated, especially deodorized. It is scientifically proven that trans fats provoke the occurrence of obesity, malignant tumors, diseases of the cardiovascular system and Alzheimer's disease. The WHO recommends avoiding the consumption of trans fats.

      The usefulness of refined vegetable oil is also questioned. Such a product contains free radicals that provoke the onset of cancer in the body and other dangerous diseases.

      It is best to cook with olive oil.

    4. Margarine

      This is an emulsion product. It can be called a low quality butter substitute. Margarine is made from modified and/or hydrogenated vegetable fats. Often, natural ingredients are replaced with synthetic ones, so margarine is not a food product, but a product of the chemical industry.

      Margarine is the main source of trans fats, which are so harmful to the cardiovascular system.

      You can replace this product with butter, olive or ghee oil.

    5. Burgers and hot dogs


      Such products contain processed meat with excess salt, preservatives, sodium elements and toxins. All these components provoke the occurrence of cancer.


      A good alternative to store-bought burgers and hot dogs is homemade sandwiches with natural meat and fresh vegetables.

    6. canned salad dressings


      Here, the danger also comes from the high content of sugar and various chemical additives. If you abuse such a product, you can earn various diseases and hormonal failure.

      Salad dressings can be made at home. To do this, you will need, for example, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. The result is a tasty and natural product.

    7. Artificial sugar substitutes

      Synthetic products are no healthier than natural sugar. And some are even worse. Sugar substitutes such as aspartame, neotame, acesulfame potassium are less caloric, but with constant use they provoke the development of diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, high blood pressure and metabolic disorders.

      If you really want sweets, then it is better to eat fruits, honey, maple syrup or stevia.

    8. Alcohol


      Alcohol and a healthy lifestyle are incompatible, polar concepts. It is important to remember that alcohol is a dangerous toxin. It is high in calories, and its use leads to dehydration.

      Because of its calorie content, alcohol favors the development of obesity. In addition, it is dangerous for the liver, causes depression and vascular disease.

  1. Meat roasted on an open fire

    This method of cooking produces toxins and other harmful substances in the meat, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and aromatic amines.

    Frequent consumption of meat fried over an open fire (barbecue, shish kebab, etc.) increases the likelihood of developing pancreatic, prostate, and breast cancer.

    If, nevertheless, you cannot do without such products, then experts recommend, firstly, to prepare the meat yourself, using only natural marinades, and secondly, to add rosemary. Rosmarinic acid interferes with the process of glycation, reduces the secretion of insulin and has antioxidant properties due to the content of vitamins A and E.

  2. Processed wheat products


    Fans of soft wheat spaghetti and semolina porridge should be wary of high blood sugar and the appearance of excess weight.

    In addition, after eating soft wheat products, the load on the pancreas increases. As a result, metabolic processes may be disrupted and diabetes mellitus may develop.

    You can replace these products with buckwheat, brown rice, quinoa, millet, whole grains.

No less dangerous products for the body

  • Foie gras


Specially prepared goose liver is a world-famous delicacy. French restaurants are especially famous for it. But few people know that this product is very fatty and high in calories. After all, the bird, from the liver of which foie gras will be made, is locked in a cramped cage so that it does not move at all, and is force-fed with grain. As a result, the goose begins to suffer from obesity.

Animal rights activists have long sought to remove this product from the menu. It is harmful to health and animals suffer because of it.

  • bitter almond

The product is banned in New Zealand at the legislative level. Even a small dose of it can harm the human body, because bitter almonds contain cyanide.

However, sweet almonds are most often found on sale. It can be eaten without fear of poisoning.

  • Palm oil


You won't see this oil on the supermarket shelf, but it's found in most products sold there. Palm oil is added to pastries, "milk", creams. For example, the well-known Nutella contains not only palm oil, but also saturated fats, which are unhealthy.

In addition to the fact that the impact of palm oil on the human body is ambiguous, it is also important that its production leads to an environmental disaster. Due to the cutting down of huge palm tracts, wastelands were formed. In addition, animals and birds suffer. Some species are on the verge of extinction, as their habitats have been destroyed.

  • green potato

Regular white or yellowish potatoes are perfectly safe. But if green areas appeared on it, then such a product is no longer possible. In such areas, glycoalkaloid saponin is produced, which is a natural poison for humans and animals.

It is enough for a man of average build to eat half a kilo of green potatoes to feel the signs of poisoning.

  • Microwave popcorn


Microwavable bagged popcorn contains perfluorooctanoic acid. It is the strongest toxin and carcinogen that causes cancer.

Diacetyl has also been found in some products. This is a chemical that is sometimes used as a flavoring agent. You can read the research on how diacetyl affects the lungs here.

Due to the high content of harmful substances, packaged popcorn intended for microwaves is best not to be eaten.

  • Lightly salted red caviar and herring in vinegar


The safest is herring, which is stored in oil. If the fish is marinated in vinegar or any other brine and packaged in a plastic container, most likely, urotropine was involved.

As for red caviar, you should choose a heavily salted or frozen product. Only it is highly likely to be natural and safe. Formaldehydes are added to slightly salted caviar, which prolong its shelf life.

  • Out-of-season fruits and vegetables

Useful only seasonal vegetables and fruits. Grapes or strawberries that lie on the counter for weeks in winter and do not spoil are full of nitrates and pesticides. There are no vitamins or minerals in these products.

Therefore, in the store it is necessary to check the date of packaging and the expiration date of the goods. If, for example, tomatoes were harvested a month ago and look fresh, then they are treated with chemicals.

To nourish the body with vitamins and microelements, you need to eat vegetables and fruits during the season, from summer to autumn. In winter, purchased cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, watermelons and melons need to be soaked in water for several hours so that at least some of the harmful substances come out of them. Also, technologies allow preserving the high-quality vitamin composition of frozen berries.

  • Mayonnaise


Store-bought mayonnaise has a high fat content. In addition to it, the composition may contain flavors, dyes, preservatives, flavor and odor enhancers. Therefore, it is better to make this popular sauce at home or replace it with sour cream.

  • processed cheese

If hard natural cheese is rich in useful elements, then processed cheese is completely devoid of this advantage. On the contrary, it contains an abundance of flavorings, dyes, preservatives, low-quality vegetable oils and other additives that are not healthy.

Products that are incompatible in the body, which is also bad

There are many foods that people are accustomed to pairing with each other. And this is due not only to personal tastes, but also to traditions that have evolved over the centuries. However, eating incompatible foods often leads to digestive disorders, even if very little was eaten. This is heaviness in the stomach, and bloating, etc.

Each culture has its own guidelines for what foods can be mixed with each other. These tips are often inconsistent with each other. Some of them are so outdated that it is difficult to find a rational explanation for them.

However, it has long been observed that eating incompatible foods leads to disruption of the stomach and intestines. Undigested food, lingering in the intestine, begins to rot and ferment. As a result, toxins and a large amount of gas are released.

With the systematic eating of incompatible foods, the liver begins to suffer, and the body feels constant malaise.

The following combinations are especially harmful to health:

  • Meat and flour products

One of the most popular dishes in Italy is pasta with Bolognese sauce, which contains meat. However, such a dish causes heaviness in the stomach, contributes to weight gain due to the fact that the combination of animal protein and slow carbohydrates is very difficult to digest and assimilate.

  • Meat and beans

The combination of meat and legumes leads to heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, bloating and general lethargy. This happens because there is a problem in the connection of vegetable and animal protein, digestion is complicated. The result is a too “killer”, high-calorie combination that makes it difficult for the digestive system and provokes weight gain.

  • Potatoes and tomatoes


Many people like boiled potatoes with fresh tomatoes or french fries with tomato sauce. However, tomatoes do not pair well with any starchy foods. This is due to the fact that acids (citric, malic, oxalic, etc.) interfere with the alkaline absorption of starches. That is, the acid contained in tomatoes prevents the potatoes from being digested. At the same time, both products neutralize the beneficial substances contained in each other.

Therefore, tomatoes are best eaten with lettuce and fats.

  • Cheese and tomatoes

The traditional combination for Mediterranean cuisine is cheese and tomatoes. This is mozzarella with cherry tomatoes, and a Greek salad loved by many. However, such a union causes the deposition of salts in the joints. This is due to the fact that the acid contained in tomatoes reacts with calcium, which is rich in cheese. Therefore, cheese and tomatoes are best eaten separately.

  • Alcoholic drinks and salty snacks

Both alcohol and salt retain fluid in the body. This leads to swelling and dehydration. If you drink alcohol before going to bed and eat it with a salty snack, then in the morning a swollen face cannot be avoided. But beer with fish is a traditional combination for Russia.

  • Carbonated drinks and milk

For clarity, try mixing cola and milk in one glass. It will immediately become clear what will happen in the stomach if you drink these two drinks at the same time.

  • Fats and fast carbohydrates

An example of such a combination is cream and sugar. In combination with fast carbohydrates, the inhibitory properties of fats are much stronger.

Therefore, fats are best combined with fruits and berries. For example, replace sugar with strawberries. Or combine with herbs and vegetables. An example is a salad with vegetable oil or sour cream.

Also, fats go well with starchy foods (mashed potatoes with butter).

Summing up, it is worth recalling that food and health are connected with each other by a strong thread. The recommendations given in the article will help you make the right diet and get one step closer to good health, vigor and beauty.

The main thing is to monitor not only the fact that bad foods are present in our body. To some extent, our body is able to cope with them, so not all foods are poisonous. The main question is what is missing in our diet. Does the body have reserves to cope with preservatives at the moment? If there is a reserve, a person will eat a preservative and there will be no problems. And if there are no reserves, then preservatives from different products, getting into one organism, cause irreparable harm to it. 

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